It Really Is Finished!

It Really Is Finished!

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For our orthodox brothers and sisters, the annual celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the tomb is still a few days away; for the rest of us, it was a few days ago. You may therefore be wondering why i am writing a post about the empty tomb after Easter.

My first reason for doing so is because i believe it is a truth we need to be reminded of every day, not just once per year. That miraculous truth is the foundation of our faith. Without it, we have no hope. As Paul said – if Christ was not raised from the dead, then our faith is futile and we truly of all people are to be the most pitied.(1)

My second reason for doing so is that we might again be challenged by the lives of the men and women who witnessed His resurrection firsthand, and in so doing, live out our lives – everyday – with the same determination that truth prompted in them.

A Resurrection Story – The Man Who Owned The Upper Room

A Resurrection Story – The Man Who Owned The Upper Room

If you would prefer to listen to this story as an audio recording, CLICK HERE.

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NOTE: This is the last of four short stories about four different people who encountered Jesus during the months leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection. You will find each of these individuals in the Gospel accounts, however i have added fictional elements to each of their stories so that we might see each one … as they journeyed through their lives leading up to their encounter … and as they continued their journey in the days that followed. You will read the parts of their stories you may already know … and the rest that could have been. Though some of the other characters and details contained in each story may be fictional, you will find the truth conveyed about the One they each encountered to be very REAL! My prayer is that through the stories, you will see Jesus and be reminded of the Good News of the cross and the empty tomb as we enter into this season of remembrance. To that end, let’s look at their stories:

The Paralytic (March 23)

The Grieving Mother (March 30)

The One Caught In The Act (April 6)

The Man Who Owned The Upper Room (This week - April 13)

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My name is Yitzhak and I grew up here in Jerusalem. My ancestors were counted among the remnant that returned here over five hundred years ago with Zerubbabel from Babylon. Those early generations led the effort in rebuilding Jerusalem from the debris left by the Babylonian destruction of the city. My ancestor Pedaiah, son of Parosh, was charged by Nehemiah with the responsibility of rebuilding the section of the wall leading to the Water Gate….

A Resurrection Story – The One Caught In The Act

A Resurrection Story – The One Caught In The Act

If you would prefer to listen to this story as an audio recording, CLICK HERE.

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NOTE: As has become my annual practice, starting two weeks ago and continuing until next week, i am posting four short stories about four different people who encountered Jesus during the months leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection. You will find each of these individuals in the Gospel accounts, however i have added fictional elements to each of their stories so that we might see each one … as they journeyed through their lives leading up to their encounter … and as they continued their journey in the days that followed. You will read the parts of their stories you may already know … and the rest that could have been. Though some of the other characters and details contained in each story may be fictional, you will find the truth conveyed about the One they each encountered to be very REAL! My prayer is that through the stories, you will see Jesus and be reminded of the Good News of the cross and the empty tomb as we enter into this season of remembrance. To that end, let’s look at their stories:

The Paralytic (March 23)

The Grieving Mother (March 30)

The One Caught In The Act (This week – April 6)

The Man Who Owned The Upper Room (April 13)

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My name is Hepzibah and I grew up as the only child of a shopkeeper here in Jerusalem. My mother was struck with the fever and died when I was four years old. In many respects, my father died at the same time. He blamed God for my mother’s death and would no longer speak of Him. We never again observed any of the religious feasts, attended synagogue, or went to the temple….

A Resurrection Story – The Grieving Mother

A Resurrection Story – The Grieving Mother

If you would prefer to listen to this story as an audio recording, CLICK HERE.

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NOTE: As has become my annual practice, starting last week and for the three weeks that follow, i am posting four short stories about four different people who encountered Jesus during the months leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection. You will find each of these individuals in the Gospel accounts, however i have added fictional elements to each of their stories so that we might see each one … as they journeyed through their lives leading up to their encounter … and as they continued their journey in the days that followed. You will read the parts of their stories you may already know … and the rest that could have been. Though some of the other characters and details contained in each story may be fictional, you will find the truth conveyed about the One they each encountered to be very REAL! My prayer is that through the stories, you will see Jesus and be reminded of the Good News of the cross and the empty tomb as we enter into this season of remembrance. To that end, let’s look at their stories:

The Paralytic (March 23)

The Grieving Mother (This week – March 30)

The One Caught In The Act (April 6)

The Man Who Owned The Upper Room (April 13)

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I am Susanna, and I grew up here in the small village of Nain in southern Galilee, which is about ten miles southeast of Nazareth. The majority of the people here are farmers. We live off of the land that God provided us. Wheat and barley are our seasonal crops, along with our summer crops of fresh vegetables. But olive oil and honey are our two primary cash crops, so our village presses are active year-round. We enjoy a bountiful harvest each year from the numerous olive tree groves surrounding our village….

A Resurrection Story – The Paralytic

A Resurrection Story – The Paralytic

If you would prefer to listen to this story as an audio recording, CLICK HERE.

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NOTE: As has become my annual practice, starting this week and for the three weeks that follow, i will be posting four short stories about four different people who encountered Jesus during the months leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection. You will find each of these individuals in the Gospel accounts, however i have added fictional elements to each of their stories so that we might see each one … as they journeyed through their lives leading up to their encounter … and as they continued their journey in the days that followed. You will read the parts of their stories you may already know … and the rest that could have been. Though some of the other characters and details contained in each story may be fictional, you will find the truth conveyed about the One they each encountered to be very REAL! My prayer is that through the stories, you will see Jesus and be reminded of the Good News of the cross and the empty tomb as we enter into this season of remembrance. To that end, let’s look at their stories:

The Paralytic (This week – March 23)

The Grieving Mother (March 30)

The One Caught In The Act (April 6)

The Man Who Owned The Upper Room (April 13)

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My name is Yanis. I grew up in the hills overlooking the Sea of Galilee not far from the road that now leads from Tiberias to Nazareth. The men of my family have been shepherds as long as anyone can remember. I never had to wonder what I would do when I grew up. Because I am my father’s oldest son, there was never any question that I, too, would be a shepherd – and one day my father’s flock would become mine….

We Can't Bury It Deep Enough

We Can't Bury It Deep Enough

If you would prefer to listen to this post as a podcast, CLICK HERE.

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Have you ever done something that you knew you weren’t supposed to do? But you rationalized it was okay because no one was ever going to know what you had done. And then you took great effort to cover up what you had done just to make sure no one would ever know. The answer to that question for all of us is “yes”. How do i know? Because we are all sinners … and we all have the proclivity to sin. Allow me to introduce a fellow sinner by the name of Achan.

On the morning the walls of Jericho collapsed, Joshua commanded the people of Israel, “Do not take any of the things set apart for destruction, or you yourselves will be completely destroyed, and you will bring trouble on the camp of Israel. Everything made from silver, gold, bronze, or iron is sacred to the LORD and must be brought into His treasury.” Joshua had repeated this instruction multiple times so that everyone would clearly know and remember what they were to do. And every one of the fighting men took that command to heart and obeyed … except one.

The treasures of Jericho were laid bare that day ….

An Honest Seeker

An Honest Seeker

If you would prefer to listen to this post as a podcast, CLICK HERE.

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Since beginning my journey as an author a little over three years ago, i have had the opportunity to engage with a growing number of readers from around the world regarding the Good News of Jesus. In so doing, i have encountered an ever-increasing number who not only tell me they do not believe in Him; they also deny that Jesus is who He said He is. As a matter of fact, those opinions are often shared with me with a surprising amount of vitriol directed toward Him, toward what He taught, and toward those who follow Him.

It has caused me to have a greater understanding of the hatred that was unleashed against Jesus in the first century. Jesus was seen as a threat to many within the religious elite of the day. His teachings threatened not only their religious beliefs but also their power structure. Rather than choosing to honestly seek Jesus and receive His truth, many in the first century opted to harden their hearts and vilify Him….

Unholy Ambition

Unholy Ambition

If you would prefer to listen to this post as a podcast, CLICK HERE.

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Unholy ambition is easy to spot in others. It can manifest itself in a lot of ways. The whole world is currently watching as one man’s unholy ambition has led him to direct his armed forces to invade the territory and lives of another sovereign nation. The resulting destruction is a reminder to all of us of just how evil our world can be, left to its own desires.

We continue to pray for the people and the leaders of Ukraine. We pray that the invasion would be stopped, and the selfish ambition of those who started this would be turned aside. We pray that the lives of all people on both sides of the conflict would be spared. We pray for godly wisdom to prevail and peace to return to the land.

But unholy ambition is not limited to what is currently underway in Europe. It comes in all sizes, shapes and behavior. Some may be much more subtle than what is currently playing out across the world stage, but it is selfish ambition, nonetheless….

A Divine Interruption

A Divine Interruption

If you would prefer to listen to this post as a podcast, CLICK HERE.

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Some interruptions in our lives are simply unplanned delays. Like i wrote about last week, God can use His divine delays in our journey to bring us into alignment with His perfect timing. He slows us down in order to accomplish His perfect plan in the midst of our journey. But some interruptions are far more than a delay. They are moments, events and/or circumstances He uses in our lives to completely redirect us onto a course that looks very different from the one we’ve been on.

Most often, these interruptions can occur in the midst of a “normal” day. We’re doing what we normally do, going about our routine, perhaps on auto-pilot. When the day started out, we had a pretty good idea of how the day was going to look. We had our “to-do” list in hand, our schedule laid out, and our sights set, not only on the plans for this day but also the others that would follow. We were looking to the plans we had for that evening, or the coming weekend, or the upcoming vacation, or some other occasion. We weren’t planning on the change in direction, and we weren’t anticipating a change in our plans.

Then suddenly ….

A Divine Delay

A Divine Delay

If you would prefer to listen to this post as a podcast, CLICK HERE.

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Most of us, if not all of us, have experienced a delay in a journey. Most certainly, we have all experienced a simple travel delay caused by circumstances outside of our control. But the type of delay i’m referring to is related to our life journey. We set out on a path that we believed God had set our feet upon only to encounter an unexpected delay that either went on – or is still going on – for what seems like an eternity. If you find yourself being delayed even now, i encourage you to take a reminder from this delay in the apostle Paul’s life journey.