In these excerpts from an interview with Brian Allain from Writing for Your Life, i explain how God has ordered my steps as an author.
i am a follower of Jesus, an extremely blessed husband, and a proud father and grandfather – all by the grace of God. My journey with Jesus has led me to serve on the pastoral staffs of two local churches – one in West Palm Beach, Florida and the other in Richmond, Virginia – and as the vice president of mobilization of an international missions organization.
Today i continue in my journey with Jesus as an author proclaiming the Good News of the gospel through my biblical fiction and non-fiction books, as well as my weekly blog posts and podcasts.
My life verse is:
And we proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ. And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.
Colossians 1:28-29 NASB
A word of explanation if you are new to my writing:
You will notice that whenever i use the pronoun “I” referring to myself, i have chosen to use a lowercase “i.” This only applies to me when i am referring to myself personally; i do not impose my personal conviction on any of the characters in my books. It is not a typographical error. i know this is contrary to proper English grammar and accepted editorial style guides. i drive editors (and “spell check”) crazy by doing this. But years ago, the Lord convicted me – personally – that in all things i must decrease and He must increase. As a way of continuing personal reminder, from that day forward, i have chosen to use a lowercase “i” whenever referring to myself.
This is a personal conviction – and i share it only so you will understand why i have chosen to deviate from normal editorial practice. i am in no way suggesting or endeavoring to have anyone else subscribe to my conviction. Thanks for your understanding.