Witness the ministry and passion of Jesus through these FIRST-PERSON ACCOUNTS, told by followers you may already know and others who were a part of the crowd. Read the portion of their stories that may be familiar to you … together with the rest that could have been.

Shimon, the shepherd

A Novel

  • Shimon was a shepherd boy when he first saw the newborn King in a Bethlehem stable. Join him in his journey as he re-encounters the Lamb of God at the Jordan, and follows Him to the cross and the empty tomb. Experience a story of redemption – the redemption of a shepherd – and the redemption of each one who chooses to follow the Good Shepherd.

  • Available as an ebook, an audiobook, and in print as a hardcover, paperback or large print book.

Nicodemus, the teacher

A Novella

  • In a day when most religious leaders were known for their efforts to discredit the ministry of Jesus, there came one who earnestly sought Him. In a day when most religious leaders mocked Jesus as He hung on a cross, there came one who meekly helped bury His body. And in a day when most religious leaders felt threatened by Jesus, there came one who courageously chose to take a stand for Him.

    This is the story of a teacher called Nicodemus who God used to teach what it means to seek God, not only in word, but also in deed. Just as his life was a testimony to the people of his day, it remains an example to us today.

    There is an adage that says, “if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.” Nicodemus was a humble man who willingly stood boldly for truth. Explore his story through this novella – the portion you may already know, and the rest of the story that could have been.

  • Available as an ebook, an audiobook, and in print as a paperback or large print book.

Simon Peter, the fisherman

A Novella

  • Simon was a loyal son, a selfless brother, a faithful husband, a loving father, a trustworthy friend, a skillful fisherman, and a natural leader – long before he ever met Jesus of Nazareth. He put the needs of others before his own.

    He led with his heart; often before he engaged his head. Some might call him impetuous, but others would say impassioned. He was the only one willing to step out of the boat and walk on the water. He alone drew his sword to defend his Master. But this same man failed in a moment of fear and denied his Lord.

    This is the story of a fisherman called Simon, upon whose confession Jesus said He would build His church. Consider this one who followed Jesus to his Savior’s cross … and subsequently to his own.

    Consider his story — the portion you may already know … and the rest of the story that could have been.

  • Available as an ebook, an audiobook, and in print as a paperback or large print book.

Mary Magdalene, the witness

A Novella

  • This is the story of Mary Magdalene.

    The Gospels tell us she was a successful woman. But they also tell us she found herself under the control of seven demons until the day Jesus set her free.

    From that day forward she was one of the women who traveled with Jesus. She was a firsthand witness to much of His ministry. She was one of the few who stood at the foot of the cross. She was one of a handful who journeyed to the garden tomb. She was the first to actually see Jesus after He had risen. She stood on the hill and watched Him ascend. She was in the upper room when the Holy Spirit came upon them.

    She witnessed a lot! So there is much she can tell us.

    Consider her story — the portion you may already know … and the rest of the story that could have been.

  • Available as an ebook, an audiobook, and in print as a paperback or large print book.


A Novella

A Novella

  • Entrusted by God to share the Good News of His Son, Mark's story is both familiar and untold. We know the portion of his tale where he denies and doubts, where he stumbles and falls. But what of the rest? What of the moments unseen, the victories unsung, and the redemption untold?

    Discover the untold chapters of his journey, the struggles and triumphs that shaped his faith, and the legacy he left behind.

  • Available as an ebook, an audiobook, and in print as a paperback or large print book.


A Collection of Short Stories

  • A collection of forty short stories from those who walked with Jesus — some as followers, some as friends and some as foes. Join them on the three year journey that led to the cross … but didn’t end there. Experience the miracles they witnessed, the truth they learned, and the One they came to know.

    Though some of the characters in these accounts are fictional, the truth they reveal is most certainly trustworthy!

  • Available as an ebook and in print as a paperback or large print book.


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