Chosen and Called

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In the Book of Judges we read, “But when the people of Israel cried out to the LORD for help, the LORD raised up a rescuer to save them….”(1) The rescuers were a succession of ordinary men, and one woman, who were chosen and called by God to be used in extraordinary ways. They are referred to as the judges of Israel.

In those days, the people repeatedly chose to turn away from God and do evil in His sight. Their actions led to their enslavement and oppression by wicked kings. The people cried out in their distress, and God in His mercy raised up a man, or in one case a woman, who He chose to use to rescue them from their distress. They enjoyed a period of peace … until they again began to seek their own way.

Following the death of Joshua and the elders, the Israelites entered into an eight-year period of oppression at the hands of King Cushan. God used Othniel, the son-in-law of Caleb, to lead them to victory and forty years of peace and rest ensued.(2)

Following the death of Othniel, the Israelites entered into an eighteen-year period of oppression at the hands of King Eglon of Moab. God used Ehud to lead them to victory and eighty years of peace and rest again ensued.(3)

Following the death of Ehud, God used Shamgar to quell the oppression of the Israelites at the hands of the Philistines for an unrecorded period of time.(4)

Following the death of Shamgar, the Israelites entered into a twenty-year period of oppression at the hands of King Jabin of Hazor. God used Deborah to lead them to victory and another forty years of peace and rest ensued.(5)

Unfortunately this pattern continued to repeat itself after Deborah. But throughout it all, God used these men and this woman, and others like them, to lead them out of their bondage.

Sadly, our life patterns are often very similar to those of the people who lived in the era of the judges – even those of us who would profess to be followers of Jesus. We allow the desires of our sin nature to turn our attention away from God, and we pursue those desires by allowing evil to reign in our lives. All too often that behavior leads to our enslavement and oppression in the hands of addiction, false-reasoning, and/or our self-destructive lifestyles.

God continues to choose and call out men and women to be used in extraordinary ways to lead us out of our oppression. Those men and women have much in common with the judges of old. In each instance, they were men and women who were brave and courageous. But more importantly, they demonstrated an uncompromising confidence in their LORD, His Word, and His trustworthiness.

Our tendency is to elevate those men and women and perceive them to be extraordinary; people with ability and skill far beyond ours. As we look at them, all too often we may conclude that God could never use us because we don’t have their unique ability. The fact of the matter is that they were unique. They were uniquely and wonderfully made by their Creator for their season and their assignment. They were chosen and called by God for His specific purpose. But so are we!

The key “ingredient” for each of these was that they were willing to be used by God. They had ears to hear Him, eyes to see Him, and hearts that were prepared to follow Him. It wasn’t their extraordinary skill; it was their willingness to follow Him by faith.

The apostle Peter wrote, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”(6)

The Father redeemed us through the shed blood of His Son – not only that we might be reconciled to Him – but also that we might be used by Him for His purpose. If we are followers of Jesus, He has chosen and called us for His purpose.

That purpose is to be those men and women He uses to help lead others out of darkness into His marvelous light. Our part is to keep our ears attuned, our eyes open, and our hearts responsive to His call to follow Him. And like Mary, the mother of Jesus, said to the servants at the wedding feast of Cana to “do whatever He tells you to do.”(7)

If you would like to read more about these ordinary men and women God chose and called to be used as judges, i invite you to get a copy of the newest book in my series The Called. The book releases this week on Amazon and is entitled A Judge Called Deborah. It’s the story about a woman of faith, courage and wisdom who was responsive to God’s call  – the portion of her story you may already know, and the rest that could have been. Click HERE for more information about the book.

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This post is adapted from Possessing The Promise chapter 46, entitled “The Man (or Woman) God Uses This third book in the Lessons Learned In The Wilderness series is available through Amazon in print or for your e-reader. Click HERE for more information on how you can obtain your copy of the book.

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(1)  Judges 3:9 (NLT)

(2)  Judges 3:9-11

(3)  Judges 3:12-30

(4)  Judges 3:31

(5)  Judges 4:1 – 5:31

(6)  1 Peter 2:9 (ESV)

(7)  John 2:5 (NLT)

Copyright © 2022 Kenneth A. Winter All rights reserved.

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