
Disciples Who Make Disciples

Disciples Who Make Disciples

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Imagine the surprise of the Jerusalem church when Saul, the persecutor, showed up in the city professing to be a follower of Christ. They were filled with fear and disbelief.(1) They thought his claim was a deception designed to entrap them. They knew him before he left Jerusalem over three years earlier and that he had gone to Damascus in order to arrest the believers there. They knew what he was capable of. There was no way he could be a follower of Jesus! And what’s more, he was claiming to be an apostle. Even if it was true that he was now a follower of Jesus, how could he possibly make claim to be an apostle? He hadn’t walked with Jesus—or so they thought. No, there was no way they were going to accept him into their fellowship!

That is, until a believer named Barnabas took action. Luke tells us that Barnabas “was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and strong in faith.”(2) He demonstrated his selflessness and generosity by selling his property and giving all of the proceeds to the church.(3) He was quickly seen within the newly-developing church as a leader—but this “son of encouragement” was more than that—he was a leader-maker. He was willing to take a risk for the sake of the Kingdom. He was willing to take the risk and sell his property, and he was willing to take the risk and reach out to Saul. He was willing to put his riches and his reputation on the line for the cause of Christ. He not only reached out to Saul; he put his arm around him and drew him close.