When the Word of God is being proclaimed through word or action, you can be assured that the enemy will make every effort to try to oppose and pervert the truth, and try to discourage the proclaimer. That’s a good reminder as to why God hasn’t called us to be loner Jedi warriors. He has wired us to be in fellowship with other believers. And most often, He sends us out in teams of two or more, just like He did His disciples in Luke 10 – so that we can encourage, exhort and uphold one another.
But even more importantly, Jesus has uniquely equipped us so that we will never stand alone. He has given us His Holy Spirit to dwell within us – so that by Him we are empowered to be His witnesses.(1) And John wrote to remind us: “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”(2) Jesus knows who and what we will encounter. He has known it since before the beginning of time and He has given us all that we need to overcome it.
Such was the case in Paphos, one day about two thousand years ago….