
The Sorrow Won't Last

The Sorrow Won't Last

Jesus was speaking words of encouragement and truth to His disciples that night as they walked from the upper room to the Garden of Gethsemane.(1) Earlier that night, He had used the traditional observance of Passover to teach His disciples new truth. And His teaching did not stop when they left the upper room, it continued throughout their journey.

Allow me to point out that Jesus never wasted a moment or a motion. Nothing with Jesus is perfunctory. No moment of traditional “religious” reflection passes without Jesus using it in our lives to open our eyes and hearts to His truth. No journey we take is solely about the journey. Jesus uses every moment of the journey to reveal His truth about Himself and about ourselves. His reflections along the way are not purposed to scold us or defeat us. His words to us throughout the journey are intended to lead us to a greater understanding of Him, as He draws us closer to Himself. Jesus knew what was ahead for His disciples. He was using that time to prepare them. He knows what is ahead for us, as well – and He is using this time in our respective journeys with Him to prepare us.

i wonder how attentive the disciples were to all Jesus was saying. Were they even listening?

What The Crisis Reveals

What The Crisis Reveals

For decades, i, like many of you, have been mining a “daily nugget” from the collection of writings by Oswald Chambers entitled, My Utmost for His Highest. And no matter how many times i read it, the Lord never fails to draw my eyes to a truth of which i need to be reminded.

Such was the case on September 10th. Oswald writes, “It is not the crisis that builds something within us — it simply reveals what we are made of already.

There were three reasons that truth stood out to me….