
Called to Stand Guard

Called to Stand Guard

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God called the Levites to be in charge of the Tabernacle, and all of its furnishings and equipment. He called them to stand guard and protect it. When the Israelites were camped in the wilderness, God’s Spirit dwelt in the Tabernacle in their midst, but the area immediately surrounding His dwelling place was the home of the Levites. Whenever the pillar of cloud moved from the Tabernacle to lead the people, the Levites took down the Tabernacle and carried it. Whenever the cloud stopped, the Levites would set up the Tabernacle and prepare it for the indwelling presence of God’s Spirit.

The Levites were chosen by God and called to this role because of their response after the people had rebelliously worshiped the image of the golden calf. You may recall that Moses stood at the gate of the camp and said, “All of you who are on the LORD’s side, come over here and join me.” And all of the Levites came to him.