Ordinary People

The Forgotten Disciples

The Forgotten Disciples

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If someone was to ask you to name the twelve disciples who followed Jesus, how far could you get on the list? Many of us could think of Simon Peter, the outspoken fisherman who denied Jesus. Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Jesus, would also probably come to mind in light of his treacherous act. We may think of Matthew and John, since they both wrote a Gospel account. (And, no, just in case you were wondering, the other two Gospel writers, Mark and Luke, were not two of the disciples.) The other two names that might come to mind may be Andrew, the one who introduced his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus and James, the brother of John.

If you named those six, you get to advance to the head of the class, because you have named more than most of the rest of us. But there are six more men on the list, whose names are more difficult to recall. Since little was written about them, their names tend to fade into obscurity in our memories….