Our Journey

The Place Where The Reeds Grow

The Place Where The Reeds Grow

As we journey through the wilderness of our lives, God will often lead us, just like He did the Israelites, toward our own “Pi-hahiroth” (“the place where the reeds grow”).(1) It lies on the west bank of our Red Sea, between Migdol (the high place) and the sea and is opposite from Baal-zephon (the place where the idols are worshiped). It will appear to those watching that we are confused or disoriented, but take heart – the LORD has led us right to the place He intends – the place He will use to bring glory to Himself through our lives.

He has not led us to Migdol - the high place – the mountaintop. Occasionally He does lead us to enjoy that mountaintop experience where He will recharge our spirits and give us rest as we bask in His glory. But we weren’t created to stay in Migdol, though He knows we can easily be tempted to stay, just like Peter, James and John were at the Mount of Transfiguration. No, His mission for us is in the valley at Pi-hahiroth….

The Majority Report

The Majority Report

My second novel entitled Through the Eyes of a Spy is scheduled to release next month. The book follows the journey of the Israelites from their enslavement in Egypt through their inhabitation of the Promised Land. The story is told through the eyes of Caleb – one of only two adult men who were eyewitnesses to the events of the entire span of time. It is a story of faithfulness – first and foremost, the faithfulness of God, but also the faithfulness of one of His servants.

Caleb was one of the twelve spies sent into the Promised Land by Moses while the rest of the people waited in the wilderness. The spies were given the assignment to explore the land that God had already given the Israelites and bring back a report. The twelve men were a veritable who’s who of Israelite society. These were leaders not only of their respective tribes, but of their entire nation. When these men spoke, the people would stop to listen.

Moses had told them what they were to explore….

The gods we have chosen

The gods we have chosen

As Americans, we pride ourselves on the fact that we get to choose. We believe that no one should have the right to choose for us. Many of us would die for the right of freedom to choose. Many brave men and women have! Sadly, many innocents die every day under the guise of an evil and errant view of the right to choose.

Our Creator has given us the right to choose. The good news is – God has given us a choice. Sadly, more often, the bad news is – God has given us a choice.

The Israelite leader, Joshua, is famous for challenging the people of Israel when he said, “Choose you this day whom you will serve….”(1) Jesus, in His famous “Sermon on the Mount”, said, “No one can serve two masters”(2) – with the implication being that we must choose between the two.

The reality is that all choices are not equal. They aren’t all the “right” choice….