Royal priesthood

A Royal Connection

A Royal Connection

Recently, my cousin Calvin forwarded a document that he had come across that traced our family tree back to English royalty. It indicated that King Edward III of England was our 22nd great grandfather (GG), and that other notables in English and European history, including King Edward II (23rd GG), Charlemagne (41st GG), and Edmund Mortimer (20th GG) were also positioned as branches along this illustrious family tree. Someone had gone through painstaking effort to assemble this ancestry listing all the way back to the middle of the first century A.D. To say the least, the document was very impressive!

i was considering writing the current royal family to see if arrangements could be made for us to come for a visit to Windsor Castle since it was the birthplace of my 22nd GG. i was certain that the royal blood coursing through my veins would insure an immediate affirmative response. Who knows – this knowledge may have also surfaced the birthright of a forgotten knighthood? The list of possibilities soon became endless!

Until the next morning, when i received an email from another one of my cousins….