Twelve years ago, our family started a tradition of creating an annual book of photographs highlighting our family’s special memories for the year. Digital desktop technology makes creating such a book so much easier than printing individual pictures and putting them in an organized album – at least for us. We entitle each year’s book “A Year To Remember…” with the respective year. It has three main benefits for us.
First, it helps us recall the treasured memories, blessings and events that our Lord has given us, and even those challenging times through which He has led us. Often, as we look back several years, it helps us recall when something took place, or who was at that special event, or to be reminded of how much our family has grown. (However, we never use it to remind ourselves how much older we have become!)
Second, we use it as a “coffee table” book for friends and guests to browse when they visit us in our home. (We now have friends who look forward to being included in the book each year – and our family vies for who or what memory will make the coveted cover photo of this year’s book.) Through the book, we are able to magnify the works of God on our behalf and give Him glory….