The Israelite Spies

When Strength Becomes a Stumbling Block

When Strength Becomes a Stumbling Block

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During my years as an associate pastor, i was blessed to serve alongside many gifted servants of God. i witnessed how the Lord uniquely prepared each individual for their respective assignments and called them to their positions of service at just the right time. i saw the remarkable way their complementary strengths and gifts came together under God’s leadership.

However, there is a potential weakness among even the most outstanding members that must be safeguarded against. An exceptionally talented group may be tempted to rely on their own strengths and abilities, attempting to do God’s work in their own way. This group might confidently advance based on human wisdom while neglecting to seek the Lord.

The Minority Report

The Minority Report

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Are you at a place in your life journey right now that you believe God is telling you to do one thing, but the obstacles ahead just seem too overwhelming? Are your eyes of faith saying one thing, but your eyes of fear are saying another?

Eyes of fear will always look up at the obstacles from man’s perspective; eyes of faith will always look down at the obstacles from God’s perspective. Eyes of fear will always gaze out from under the circumstances; eyes of faith will always look over the circumstances in light of God’s promises. Eyes of fear will always be blinded by the visible; eyes of faith will always be illuminated by the unseen assurance of God.

Twelve men were sent ahead to explore the land….