The one who Jesus loved

A Disciple Whom Jesus Loves

A Disciple Whom Jesus Loves

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We live in a day and time when less and less people know about Jesus, and as a result, less and less have come to a place where they know Jesus. And even more, it bears pointing out that there is a huge difference between knowing about Jesus … and knowing Jesus. We can know about Him intellectually without ever knowing Him personally and relationally.

In the Gospel of John, the apostle John often referred to himself as the one whom Jesus loved. He didn’t write that distinction because he was the only one whom Jesus loved; rather, he does so because he didn’t only have knowledge of Jesus, and he didn’t even only simply follow Jesus; rather, he was walking in an intimate love relationship with Jesus. He loved Jesus with all of his heart, soul and strength, and he knew Jesus loved him perfectly. And he desired for the readers of his Gospel to know the same.….