
Zebedee - The Fisherman

Zebedee - The Fisherman

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NOTE: Did you ever feel like God was at work in everyone’s life … except yours? Did it ever seem to you that everyone around you was being called to new and exciting opportunities … but somehow you were being left behind? Or, if you are a parent, have you ever had to release your family to the Lord, entrusting them to His care, as they embarked on a journey that would lead them away from you?

If so, you can relate to Zebedee. This week’s post is another one of my fictional eyewitness accounts. i pray Zebedee’s story speaks to those same feelings in your own life.

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My name is Zebedee, and I grew up here in Bethsaida along the Sea of Galilee. I believe that even a bad day on my fishing boat is better than any day on dry land – but don’t tell my wife! Though, truth be told, she knows me better than I know myself. Salome (not to be confused with Mary’s childhood friend who has the same name) and I have now been married for thirty-three years. Though she grew up as a merchant’s daughter, she quickly learned what it was like to be a fisherman’s wife, and she never complained. I am a truly blessed man because of her….