There is No Such Thing as a Small Act of Obedience

There is No Such Thing as a Small Act of Obedience

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When was the last time you felt God prompting you to step out of your comfort zone? It may have been a prompting to perform a small act of service for someone you didn’t know … or someone you knew … but didn’t like. It may have been a prompting to do something that you’ve never done before … and you were afraid you would fail … and embarrass yourself … or fall flat on your face. Or, it may have been a prompting to speak to someone who intimidates you … and the prospect was frightening to you.

And you may have been tempted to ignore the prompting by convincing yourself that your obedience didn’t really matter. Someone else could do it; someone else who was far more capable … or far more confident … or far more qualified.

Running by Faith

Running by Faith

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In a few weeks on September 23rd, my book about the life of Enoch will release. Scripture doesn’t tell us a lot about Enoch, other than he walked with God. The writer of Hebrews gives us added insight by including him in the all-star list of men and women who walked by faith. But the writer of Hebrews didn’t just include him randomly in that list. His life was listed in the verse just prior to the one that is used as the very definition of what it means to walk by faith:

Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.



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Impeculiar! Spell-check just told me the word is incorrect. Google tells me the word does not exist. And yet … it seems to be the perfect word to describe an attitude or action that others consider to be peculiar when, in fact, it should be the norm. i wouldn’t say the action is “ordinary,” because nothing about it is ordinary. I wouldn’t say the action is “unusual,” because it should be our daily response. But conversely, i could not describe it as “usual” or “unremarkable.” So, it must be impeculiar! Please allow me to explain.

Several days before Jesus was crucified, He and His disciples were spending the evening in Bethany at the home of Simon….

Recklessly Abandoned

Recklessly Abandoned

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The wind was blustery, and the waves were towering, when Peter first stepped out of the boat.(1) But i would venture he was no longer seeing or hearing them – at least at first. The only One he was seeing and hearing was his Lord … and Jesus had bid him to come.

That is the picture in my mind when i hear the words “recklessly abandoned.” defines reckless as “utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action,” or “without caution.” Recklessness in most instances is a bad thing. None of us want to come face-to-face with a reckless driver, or follow a reckless leader who has no regard for us or where he/she is leading us. Very few of us would ever want to be described as being reckless. But i am convinced there is one context in which i truly desire to be reckless.

Possessing His Promise

Possessing His Promise

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If i was to ask you, “Does God keep His promises?” – i will venture that you and i would both say, “Yes!” We would point to promises He has given us, and the way we have seen those promises fulfilled. We would point to the many promises He has made throughout His Word, and the many examples of His faithfulness evidenced in His Word. Most notably, we would point to Jesus – who came in fulfillment of His promise – and who has promised to come again!

But allow me to ask a different question: “Are you currently in a place that you are waiting on God to fulfill a specific promise He has given you? And, if so, have you been waiting for a long time … and is the end nowhere in sight?”

A Beloved Son

A Beloved Son

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How many of us find ourselves traveling through wildernesses in our lives, and are in desperate need of someone to show us the way? We may be alone on the journey, or we may be surrounded by friends or family that are encouraging us along the way – but they don’t really know how to help us. They haven’t traveled that same path before. They don’t know the road markers. And try as they might, they just aren’t able to provide us with what we need. We need someone who has walked that path before us. We need someone who knows the way. We need someone who we can confidently follow.

Several years ago, my wife and i were making a road trip in Germany….

And Out Came This Calf

And Out Came This Calf

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You may recall the account recorded in the Book of Exodus about the day the people of Israel came to Aaron demanding that he make them a god made of gold, while at that very moment Moses was up on Mount Sinai receiving the stone tablets from God Himself. The tablets contained the terms of the Covenant between God and His people etched by His own finger. On a day that their attitudes and actions should have conveyed their allegiance to the One True Living God, they were demanding a lifeless imitation of gold.(1)

Aaron not only bowed to the demands of the people and molded their gold into the shape of a calf, he also declared that they gather for a festival to declare their allegiance to the golden calf. But in the midst of their celebration and feasting, they experienced the severe consequences of their sin from the hand of the God they had blasphemed and disobeyed.

Is the Door Open or Closed?

Is the Door Open or Closed?

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At critical junctures along the pathway of our lives, we encounter doors that are either open or closed. We tend to perceive the open doors as an invitation or acknowledgement to proceed, and we often walk through them with excitement and expectation. However, we tend to look at closed doors quite differently. Those closed doors often represent to us something we really wanted to do or experience, and we respond to the closed door with disappointment – i.e. a missed job or life opportunity, a missed promotion, a missed adventure, etc. In those instances, we can sometimes mistakenly view God as a cosmic killjoy.

At those moments, we would do well to remember that He is God … and we aren’t. He can see what’s behind the closed door … and we can’t. He can see what’s on the road ahead … and we are blind to it. He knows what will ultimately be for our good and His glory … and we don’t. He sees the whole plan!

But before we become too hard on ourselves for our lack of faith, it’s worthy to note that we are in good company. Even the apostle Paul suffered from the disappointment of closed doors….

Stories of Hope (Part 3) – The Blind Son

Stories of Hope (Part 3) – The Blind Son

If you would prefer to listen to this story as an audio recording, CLICK HERE.

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This week i conclude my three-story blog series about men and women who experienced that message of hope at the moment of their greatest despair.

Just like the first two stories, you will recognize the main character in the story. However i have added fictional elements to his story to help us better see the hopelessness he was feeling in the days, months and years of his life leading up to his unexpected encounter with the only One who was able to bring him hope.

i invite you to read (or listen to) the portion of his story you may already know … and the rest that could have been. Though some of the other characters and details contained in the story are fictional, you will find the truth conveyed about the One who brings hope to the hopeless is very REAL! My prayer is that you will allow this story to be a personal reminder that the One who brought him hope is capable of bringing it to each one of us today … if we will only receive it.

Stories of Hope (part 3) - The Blind Son (This week - July 13)

Stories of Hope (Part 2) – The Woman Who Had Lost All Hope

Stories of Hope (Part 2) – The Woman Who Had Lost All Hope

If you would prefer to listen to this story as an audio recording, CLICK HERE.

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This week i continue with the second of three stories about men and women who experienced that message of hope at the moment of their greatest despair.

You will recognize the main character in this story as the one who is often referred to as the woman with the issue of blood. However i have added fictional elements to her story to help us better see the desperation in her life leading up to her encounter with the only One who was able to bring her hope.

For those of you who would prefer to listen to her story (as recorded by my wife, LaVonne), you will find the link above.

i invite you to read (or listen to) the portion of her story you may already know … and the rest that could have been. Though some of the other characters and details contained in the story are fictional, you will find the truth conveyed about the One who brings hope to the hopeless is very REAL! My prayer is that you will allow this story to be a personal reminder that the One who brought her hope is capable of bringing it to each one of us today … if we will only receive it.

Stories of Hope (part 2) - The Woman Who Had Lost All Hope (This week - July 6)