Walking by faith

Is There a Raging River Ahead?

Is There a Raging River Ahead?

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Is there a raging river ahead in your path? Is it a circumstance or a situation that you can’t go around . . . but you must go through? Is it an overwhelming barrier that you know you can’t navigate on your own? And in some ways, is it made even worse by the knowledge that it is the very path that God is leading you to take?

It was spring, just like it is now. And like the years before, the winter’s snow in the mountains of Lebanon at the head of the Jordan River was melting and the rushing water was causing its banks to overflow. If you were planning to cross the Jordan River, you most definitely would not have chosen to do so in the spring. The waters of the river were at their most treacherous point.

It Was By Faith

It Was By Faith

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It was by faith! Those are four powerful words. Apart from those four words, Noah would have perished with everyone else when the flood waters came.(1) Abram would have been a wealthy landowner who none of us would have ever heard of, living in an obscure village none of us would have ever known.(2) Moses would have lived out his life as the spoiled adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, surrounded by Israelite slaves.(3) And a woman named Rahab would have lived out her days as a prostitute until her days were abruptly cut short.(4) As a matter of fact, without faith, she would have died in obscurity just like all the rest of the people who were living in Jericho when the walls “came crashing down.”(5)

A Walk Like Enoch's

A Walk Like Enoch's

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For full disclosure, i have now been writing a weekly post to my blog for over four years, and in that time i have never repeated a post … until today. i first posted this on February 14, 2019, but as i read through it, i realized it was a word i needed to be reminded of today. i hope you will feel the same.

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This week in my quiet time, i have been reading the short epistle of Jude. It’s only one chapter and only contains twenty-five verses. i think i have too frequently breezed through it in the past. But this time the Lord told me to slow down and walk with His servant Enoch. In Jude 14-15, we read “Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His holy ones, to execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness….”

That got me to thinking about Enoch….

Running by Faith

Running by Faith

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In a few weeks on September 23rd, my book about the life of Enoch will release. Scripture doesn’t tell us a lot about Enoch, other than he walked with God. The writer of Hebrews gives us added insight by including him in the all-star list of men and women who walked by faith. But the writer of Hebrews didn’t just include him randomly in that list. His life was listed in the verse just prior to the one that is used as the very definition of what it means to walk by faith:

Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.