Crossing the Jordan

Get Ready! We’re Leaving in Three Days!

Get Ready! We’re Leaving in Three Days!

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The Israelites had been camped on the plains of Moab on the east side of the Jordan River for many months. During that time Moses had written the book of Deuteronomy. God had taken him up onto Mt. Nebo to see the land that the Israelites would inhabit. Moses had died, and God had made Joshua their new leader.

The Israelites had planted crops and were augmenting their meals of manna with fresh produce from the land. They had begun to put down modest roots. As a matter of fact, the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh had petitioned Moses to make their permanent dwelling place on this side of the Jordan, and God had permitted them to do so.

So, when Joshua sent out word that they were leaving in three days, it was very short notice for a move of that magnitude….

Is There a Raging River Ahead?

Is There a Raging River Ahead?

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Is there a raging river ahead in your path? Is it a circumstance or a situation that you can’t go around . . . but you must go through? Is it an overwhelming barrier that you know you can’t navigate on your own? And in some ways, is it made even worse by the knowledge that it is the very path that God is leading you to take?

It was spring, just like it is now. And like the years before, the winter’s snow in the mountains of Lebanon at the head of the Jordan River was melting and the rushing water was causing its banks to overflow. If you were planning to cross the Jordan River, you most definitely would not have chosen to do so in the spring. The waters of the river were at their most treacherous point.