For Us or Against Us?

There are big challenges ahead! As a matter of fact, you might be right in the middle of one of the biggest challenges you’ve ever faced. We have a number of friends who are walking through tough battles with cancer right now. Others who are scheduled for major surgeries. Still others who are battling serious cases of COVID-19.

Others of you are facing serious challenges at work with your boss, with a co-worker, or with a project you need to complete. Some of you are facing huge financial issues, or family challenges, or major life decisions – and the obstacles surrounding them seem insurmountable.

No matter what the challenge is, we would do well to take a page out of Joshua’s playbook. God had told him to lead the people to conquer the city of Jericho. God had already promised Joshua that He would go before him. He’d already promised Joshua and the people that He would never leave them nor forsake them. He had already given them assurance of victory.

And yet, as the march on Jericho drew closer, Joshua’s thoughts were preoccupied with the obstacles and challenges he was facing. He couldn’t sleep. He knew the promises he’d already received from God – and yet, at that moment, his circumstances had become overwhelming.

So what did he do? He got up and started to walk toward Jericho.(1) Right off the bat, that’s something for us to remember. He walked toward his obstacle, facing it full on … not away from it. He knew nothing good could come from trying to run away from it! The challenge wasn’t going to go away.

Did he walk to the outskirts of Jericho to pray and meditate on God’s promises? Did he go to survey the defenses of Jericho one more time in order to confirm the best approach to defeat the city? Or was it both? Was he at a loss as to the next steps he should take in leading the people? Had he gone seeking wisdom? Had he gone seeking God? Had he gone seeking both? 

Have you ever been there? Are you there now? Are you needing clarity and assurance in the direction you should take… and you’re still not sure? But you know that if God doesn’t come through, all will be lost! 

It was just that kind of morning for Joshua. As he drew closer to Jericho, he looked up and “saw a Man”. He was seeking wisdom from God. In many ways, he was seeking God Himself. But did he expect to encounter God? Probably not, because if he had, he wouldn’t have been startled. 

i think that’s a good question to ask ourselves right now. We’re needing clarity, direction and/or assurance from God. Are we expecting to look up and see Him? Or will we be startled when He graciously shows up?

As Joshua approached Him, he asked, “Are you friend or foe – are you for us or against us?” Stop and think about what it took for Joshua to approach that “Man” standing in front of him with a sword in hand. If it was the angel of the Lord, only an intimate relationship with the Lord Himself would permit him the boldness to do such a thing. On the other hand, if the Man before him was a foe, think of the God-given courage and boldness that Joshua displayed by approaching Him and making his demand. Whether it was intimacy or courage – or both – it was God-given. 

The One who stood before Joshua was none other than the Son of God(2) – the pre-incarnate Christ. And He stood before Joshua as a “man of war” with His sword drawn. Years earlier He had stood before Abraham as a traveler.(3) Our Lord stands before His servants in whatever way is needed in order to accomplish His purpose. The Lord’s reply to Joshua’s question was that He was neither friend nor foe. He was standing before Joshua in the way that would most clearly enable Joshua to see Him for who He was. He was standing before him as their Commander. 

By standing as a man of war, He affirmed to Joshua that He was there to review His troops, to call them to battle, and to give the necessary orders for the besieging of Jericho. In short, He would go before His people to lead them in victory. And He encouraged Joshua that they must follow Him with all diligence.

His presence was a reminder that their upcoming victory would not be accomplished by human might or power, but by the Lord of hosts! They would have victory over all their adversaries; as long as they walked in total dependence on Him alone. He knew their propensity toward pride and selfish ambition, and a proclivity to attribute any victory to their own good work or expertise. We have that same propensity and proclivity. As they entered into this first battle, of what would prove to be many battles in the Promised Land, He wanted them to be rightly oriented to Him as their Source and Reason for victory.

Then He told Joshua, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” That’s exactly what God said to Moses from the burning bush over forty years earlier.(4) That statement from God gives us great insight into the ultimate answer to our question – “are You for us or against us?” Because the answer in many ways will depend upon where we are standing, far more than where we think He is standing. Are we His servants, or are we acting as if He is our servant? Are we His soldiers, or do we pray as if He is under our command? Are we His people, or is it all about our kingdoms, our wants or our agendas?

The truth is He is neither for us nor against us. Because it’s not about us. It’s not about our plan. It’s not about how we think this should all end. It’s not about how we think He should act. He does not exist to advocate for our wishes. He is the sovereign, Almighty God. It is all about Him! The real question is – are we for Him or against Him? He is the Commander, not us! He is the Almighty, not us! Whatever challenge He is permitting us to walk through, He has promised to use for His purpose and His glory. No matter the enemy or challenge we face, He will grant us the strength to endure. He will defeat it … in His way … not ours! 

“Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy!”

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This post is adapted from Possessing The Promise, chapter 14, entitled “For Us or Against Us”. This third book in the Lessons Learned In The Wilderness series is available through Amazon in print and for your e-reader. Click HERE for more information on how you can obtain your copy.

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(1) Joshua 5:13-15 (NLT)

When Joshua was near the town of Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with sword in hand. Joshua went up to Him and demanded, “Are you friend or foe?” “Neither one,” He replied. “I am the commander of the LORD’s army.” At this, Joshua fell with his face to the ground in reverence. “I am at your command,” Joshua said. “What do you want your servant to do?” The commander of the LORD’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did as he was told.

(2)  Joshua 6:2

(3)  Genesis 18

(4)  Exodus 3:5

Copyright © 2021 Kenneth A. Winter All rights reserved.

Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash