It has been several weeks since i posted. Many of you know that i have been walking through health challenges. By God’s grace, and in His strength, i am now able to share with you that He has carried me through these most recent developments. He has used this time to remind me just how faithful He is, and just how dependent i am upon Him.
For Us or Against Us?
There are big challenges ahead! As a matter of fact, you might be right in the middle of one of the biggest challenges you’ve ever faced. We have a number of friends who are walking through tough battles with cancer right now. Others who are scheduled for major surgeries. Still others who are battling serious cases of COVID-19.
Others of you are facing serious challenges at work with your boss, with a co-worker, or with a project you need to complete. Some of you are facing huge financial issues, or family challenges, or major life decisions – and the obstacles surrounding them seem insurmountable.
No matter what the challenge is, we would do well to take a page out of Joshua’s playbook.
Worthy of Your Name
Earlier today i was listening to the worship song Worthy of Your Name (lyrics below). As I listened to the words, I was reminded that our God is worthy first and foremost because of who He is, but also because of what He has done. He is worthy because He is our hope, our strength and our anchor. So it caused me to ask myself – in the midst of these ever-changing days – who do i say that He is?
In my mind, i went back to the day that Jesus asked His disciples that very question – “Who do you say I am?” (Luke 9:20). i believe the way we answer that question immediately gets to the heart of who we are. The answer gets to our beliefs, our convictions, our life trajectory, and even our eternal destiny….