God is faithful

What Will We Do?

What Will We Do?

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Early in their journey through the wilderness, God led His people to a fertile part of the peninsula called Rephidim, which means “places of rest or refreshment.” But it turned out to be a place that didn’t quite live up to its name. They couldn’t find any water there to drink! Though they were apparently surrounded by luscious vegetation, just like they had seen in previous oases, there was no spring in Rephidim from which they could quench their thirst.

And we read, “So once more the people grumbled and complained to Moses.” As if Moses could do something about it! Had Moses parted the Red Sea? Had he turned the bitter water into sweet at Marah? Was it Moses who was providing the manna every morning – including that very morning? Are you starting to wonder why these people are not sensing a pattern here?

Don’t Settle For Less

Don’t Settle For Less

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How often do we settle for less than what God wants to do in and through our lives? How often do we settle for less because we underestimate what He can and will do? How often do we ignore or forget His promises? How often does our faith turn into faithlessness?

Some of you may be familiar with a book i recently wrote, entitled A Judge Called Deborah. In it i tell the story of the woman God chose to use to lead her people as a judge over Israel to overcome the oppression of the Canaanites. We read in the Book of Judges that God impressed upon her to call upon a man named Barak to command an Israelite army of 10,000 warriors.

We know very little about Barak before this moment…

He’s Never Gonna Let Us Down

He’s Never Gonna Let Us Down

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We live in stormy times. Our world can be a very distressing place. We can easily become overwhelmed or defeated. Our news feeds are filled with reports of the ravages of disease, the havoc of disasters, and the inhumanity and incivility of man. Within a matter of moments, our lives can be upended into a cascading turmoil by sudden loss, distressing news, or tragic circumstances.

Where are we to turn? Our God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us . . . no matter what we face. He will never abandon us. He will never fail to keep His promises. He’s never gonna let us down!

We read in the book of Joshua, “Not a single one of all the good promises the LORD had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything He had spoken came true.”

The Lesson of the Quail

The Lesson of the Quail

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It’s the beginning of a new year. Just like every year that has preceded it, the year stretches out before us like a great big unblemished canvas. This time next year, we’ll all be experts about what 2022 held in store for us … but right now, we really don’t have a clue, even though we may think we do. All of us have made plans of some sort for 2022. Those plans include the moments we look forward to – an upcoming marriage, the upcoming birth of a new family member, a graduation, the start of a new job, a planned vacation, a retirement, or the like. The list goes on and on. The possibilities are endless.

We’re also very aware of the problems we carry forward with us from the prior year – issues that we are facing personally, nationally or globally. We have made our plans for 2022 with the appropriate contingencies for those known problems as best we can. We’ve made our plans. We’ve set our course. But the reality is we really don’t know what will unfold. It could be amazing! It could be exceedingly above anything we could ask or think. Or … it could be devastating….

What Is God Waiting For?

What Is God Waiting For?

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Frequently in response to my weekly posts, i receive comments or questions about why God didn’t intervene in a specific tragedy. If He is sovereign, why didn’t He keep that tragedy from occurring? The comments, in most instances, are from people crying out for an answer with a sincere and broken heart. On occasion, it is pouring out from a heart that has become bitter and hardened by the tragedy. Some have even gone so far as to conclude that since God didn’t act in the way we think He should have that He must not exist.

i will confess that i too struggle with some of those very same “why” questions. Why does God permit pain and suffering to continue? Why hasn’t He returned to earth and ended the disastrous consequences of our sin? To quote Tevye from “Fiddler on the Roof”: “Wouldn’t now be a good time for the Messiah to come?” (And i would hasten to add the word “again” to the end of that question.)

The Unpredictable God

The Unpredictable God

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Did you ever expect God to do something in one way, but it ended up looking completely different? Did you ever ask Him to provide for a need in a way you thought was best, only to discover He provided in a totally unpredictable way? Did you ever think you were headed in one direction and then find out that God had opened a door in an entirely unexpected direction?

God has promised to always be faithful, but most often His faithfulness looks very different from what we thought it would.

No Turning Back

No Turning Back

Regardless of our age, many of us have found ourselves, at some point, harkening back to the “good ole days.” Those days may not even have been that long ago. Most of us find ourselves harkening back to the days before COVID.

Whatever those days are for you, you probably remember them fondly. Our memories tend to wash away most, if not all, of the challenges, complications and difficulties those days actually contained. In truth, as we look back, we recall that time as more idyllic, less complicated and more fulfilling than it really was. And – if during our stroll down memory lane – we happen to recall any of our sinful behavior during those days, we tend to gloss over the sin, and instead, long for the temporary pleasure it provided.

That impulse to harken back to yesterday is often triggered by the overwhelming challenges of our current reality….

Hills and Valleys

Hills and Valleys

A few years ago, the Lord blessed my wife, LaVonne, and i with a “mountaintop” experience of a lifetime. He orchestrated events so we could enjoy ten days of extended quiet time with Him in an upper room in the city of Jerusalem. It was not “the” upper room where the apostles gathered; but for us personally, it was our “upper room”. It was a place where the Lord permitted us to wait before Him, to hear His voice, to experience His presence, and to be renewed through the filling of His Spirit. Though i know that He is able to do those things in my life wherever i am – whenever i am willing to be still before Him – it was an added blessing to do so there in Jerusalem where the Lord Himself says that He will one day make His home among His people.(1)

As we ate our meals on the rooftop overlooking the city, we could hear the joy of children laughing and playing in the near distance, mixed with the sounds of gentle breezes and the chirping of birds. i envisioned – as best i could – what that day will be like when our Lord returns to make His home there among His people.

As the time drew to a close, i knew that we could not tarry there

God's Not Done With You

God's Not Done With You

When was the last time you messed up? For most of us, we don’t have to think back very far. It was within the last ten minutes, or earlier today, or yesterday. i know it most certainly has been for me. If your answer is more than a week ago, i want to challenge you to rethink your answer, and reconsider all of your thoughts, attitudes and actions over the past week. I think you’ll find that it was more recent than you think.

As I said, for most of us, the answer will come more immediately to mind. We know we messed up. But some of us haven’t done anything about it. We’ve just continued to feel bad about it ever since.

David, the shepherd king and psalmist, knew exactly how we feel when he wrote….

Never Lost

Never Lost

[A personal note: i actually wrote this blog post several weeks ago – before the events of January 6th. But once those events occurred, i paused its publication because i did not want anyone to mistakenly connect what i was saying with that event. This is a post about the confidence we can have in God in every circumstance we may encounter or experience in our lives. It is not about armed rebellion. It’s about a trustworthy God!]


We see a sharp contrast between two groups of people when we read the account of the Israelites marching around the walls of Jericho.(1) On one side of the wall stood the people of Israel. They were confident and assured that, though they were facing an imposing enemy, their God would grant them victory. They weren’t trusting in any person, or any group of people; nor was their confidence in their own power or ability. Their confidence was in their God!

On the other side of the wall stood the citizens of Jericho, as they cowered in fear. It wasn’t a reverent fear of God; rather, it was a paralyzing fear.(2) They knew the God of the Israelites had already given their land to His people.(3)

The posture of both of those groups of people was completely determined by their view of God. Thirty-five hundred years later in 2021, that is still the case. Our posture is also completely determined by our view of God. We face many unknowns, just like they did. The enemies we face may look different, but the God we follow is not….