He Is Worthy

Is He Worthy?

Is He Worthy?

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This past Sunday as our faith community sang the confessional worship song “Is He Worthy?” (lyrics below), i found myself pondering, “Do i really believe what i am singing? Is God truly worthy of all blessing, honor, and glory? And if He is, am i really living out my life as if He is?”

Those questions caused me to think about the early believers we read about in the Book of Acts.(1) Because they truly believed God is worthy, there was a conspicuous transformation that occurred in their lives. It changed the way they thought about everything – themselves, their priorities, their relationships, their time, and their possessions. They immediately recognized something that appears to be more difficult for us today.

Worthy of Your Name

Worthy of Your  Name

Earlier today i was listening to the worship song Worthy of Your Name (lyrics below). As I listened to the words, I was reminded that our God is worthy first and foremost because of who He is, but also because of what He has done. He is worthy because He is our hope, our strength and our anchor. So it caused me to ask myself – in the midst of these ever-changing days – who do i say that He is?

In my mind, i went back to the day that Jesus asked His disciples that very question – “Who do you say I am?” (Luke 9:20). i believe the way we answer that question immediately gets to the heart of who we are. The answer gets to our beliefs, our convictions, our life trajectory, and even our eternal destiny….