I Will Sing Because I Trust You

Increasingly each day, our attention is being seized by the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) around the globe. It is impacting how we travel, how we shop, how we meet, and even how we worship. Travelers are being detained and sequestered. Travel that had not yet begun is being cancelled. Cities are deploying the National Guard to establish containment areas. Financial markets are experiencing some of the most turbulent swings in history. Toilet paper has seemingly become a precious commodity. Large meetings are being cancelled. And churches are adjusting how they observe the Lord’s Supper. As few as sixty days ago, no one could have anticipated all of this. Yet it is impacting almost every facet of our lives – and there is currently no end in sight.

i can’t help but draw a parallel to the people of Israel as they camped on the shore of the Red Sea. They had just learned that the Egyptian army was rapidly approaching to capture and destroy them from one side and the sea was blocking their escape on the other. Panic and fear had set in. There seemed to be nowhere to turn. 

Right then Moses announced to them, “Don't be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch the LORD rescue you” (Exodus 14:13 NLT). Did anyone ever say to you – “Don’t just stand there, do something”? We are raised with that admonition from childhood – that as long as we remain in motion, everything will work out. We’ve even spiritualized it with the statement – “God helps those who help themselves.” (i venture to guess that many of us actually believe that is a verse in the Bible.) And yet, throughout time God has said to His people, stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord.

Imagine the scene that day. Men, women and children; young and old; raised to be slaves – field workers, domestics and construction workers – they had never received any training in combat - and pursuing them was the fiercest and mightiest army in the world – the best of the best. As the Israelites took inventory of their weapons, they paled in comparison with the weapons of warfare being wielded by their opposing force. Their carts drawn by their weary oxen were no match for the rapidly-approaching chariots drawn by horses that had been bred for war. Their intimidation quickly turned to fear and then to panic. The situation seemed impossible. As the moments passed, they were becoming more and more desperate. They could no more stop the approaching enemy than they would part the waters that stood before them. 

And yet, there was One who could. The One who had known what trouble they would be facing long before the day arrived. And Moses’ words to them on that day are fitting for us on this day. Don't be afraid. Watch the LORD rescue you. Does that mean we don’t take precautions or appropriate action? Of course not! But it does mean that instead of turning to panic, we turn to trust. We trust the One who is able to stop the advance and make a way.

This past Sunday, we sang the song Praise Before My Breakthrough (complete lyrics below) in worship. It is a message of God’s faithfulness and a confession of our trust: 

He who came in power, He will come again
He who heals the sick, won't He move again
He who raised the dead, won't He raise again

I will sing because I trust You
And I'll worship because I trust

Moses admonition to the people to “stand there” wasn’t a directive to do nothing. Rather, it was an admonition to trust God – to replace panic and fear with trust in the One who is trustworthy. It was an important reminder that day – and it is an important reminder this day.

Often the obstacle or enemy we encounter is greater than anything we are capable of overcoming. But we need to take heart that it is not beyond the capability of our God. He is able to overcome it and do so in a way that brings Him glory – glory through the eyes of a watching world, and glory through the faith that is grown in our lives as we trust Him and see His deliverance. It doesn’t matter if the enemy is an approaching army, a deep sea, or a growing virus.

Trust His Person, His presence, His power and His promise. Don’t just do something, stand there and trust Him. Sing because you trust Him and praise Him even before you see the breakthrough.

Excerpts from The Journey Begins, Ch. 7

Praise Before My Breakthrough 

I know the tension of the now
I don't always understand
I don't always get to see
When I'm holding up my hands
When I'm counting every breath
Lord, all I need to know is
You choose me
You choose me

I'll praise before my breakthrough
'Til my song becomes my triumph
I will sing because I trust You
I will bring my heart, I will lift my song

When I'm listening for Your voice
And I'm shutting out the noise
I know that You will speak
When I'm living out my faith
When I'm stepping on the sea
I know You take my hand and
Walk with me
Walk with me

I'll praise before my breakthrough
'Til my song becomes my triumph
I will sing because I trust You
I will bring my heart, I will lift my song

He who came in power, He will come again
He who heals the sick, won't He move again
He who raised the dead, won't He raise again
And I will sing, I will sing

He who came in power, He will come again
He who heals the sick, won't He move again
He who raised the dead, won't He raise again
I will sing, I will sing
Oh I will sing, I will sing

I'll praise before my breakthrough
'Til my song becomes my triumph
I will sing because I trust You
I will bring my heart, I will lift my song
And I'll praise before my breakthrough
'Til my song becomes my triumph
I will sing because I trust You
I will bring my heart, I will lift my song
I will bring my heart, I will lift my song

And I will sing because I trust You
And I'll worship because I trust
I sing because I love You
And I'll bring my heart, I will lift my song 

Songwriters: Katie Torwalt / Bryan Torwalt / Brock Human