
The One Who Stays

The One Who Stays

Today you will KNOW that the Great I AM is the One who stays! Wherever you are standing … whatever you are walking through … and whatever you are facing in the path ahead … you will KNOW!

If there has been any question or doubt that God is with you, today that will be settled – once and for all! Today your “hope” will no longer be a “wish”; it will become a confident assurance. It will no longer simply be a longing or desire; it will become the source of your longing and desire. Today your “faith” will no longer be based upon sincere intention; it will be founded on immutable truth. Your faith will no longer be based on an idea or an ideal; it will be firmly planted in the Person of the Almighty God….



In the midst of everything that is going on around us, the song “Cornerstone” (lyrics below) has been playing over and over again in my head. In the midst of all of the upheaval, the song is a testimony to the assurance and hope we can have in the One who is our true Cornerstone.

For millennia, architects and builders knew the importance of the cornerstone. It was the first and most important stone to be set in place. It was the rock upon which the weight of the entire structure rested. It oriented the building and marked the starting point of its specific direction. It served as a declaration of ownership, an inscription of purpose and a reminder of its beginnings. In short, without the cornerstone the structure would lack integrity, definition, and clarity of purpose.

The architects and founders of our nation also understood the importance of the cornerstone. In the wake of last week’s events, we were reminded that the assault on the U. S. Capitol was in many ways part of a larger assault on the cornerstone of our democracy – the U. S. Constitution. It embodies the fundamental laws and principles by which the United States exists and is governed. It declares our common purpose and pledge. In short, our founding fathers knew that without it our nation would devolve into anarchy and chaos in the absence of those foundational laws to protect liberty and justice.

But we would do well to remember that there is a cornerstone that surpasses all others….



From the very beginning, God has chosen to work through ordinary men and women to accomplish His work. There is a quality that is glaringly consistent among all of them. It’s not that they were the smartest, or the strongest, or the richest, or even the bravest. They weren’t all the best educated, or the best looking, or the best positioned, or even the best equipped. They weren’t the most well-spoken, the most experienced, the most creative, or even the most athletic. It wasn’t their talent that set them apart. It wasn’t their achievements or their pedigree. Each of them may have had one or two of these traits, but there is only one characteristic that was true for each and every one. God looked on their hearts and saw that they were trustworthy.

They were by no means perfect. As a matter of fact, every one of them was flawed. Noah was known to drink too much. Abraham was known to lie whenever he thought it was to his advantage. Jacob was a deceiver. Moses had a bad temper. David committed adultery and even murder. Solomon was blinded by pride. Isaiah had a foul mouth. Peter denied his Lord. And Paul refused to extend grace when he should have….

Hallelujah Rising

Hallelujah Rising

Hallelujah! God be praised! As you read those words, what do they evoke within you? Yes, they are words of praise and worship spoken – or shouted – most often in gratitude to an Almighty God for what He has just done. And whatever it was, it more than likely bordered on the miraculous! What experience … or memory … or story immediately comes to your mind as you repeat those words? Was it the report that your test results came back and the tumor is gone? Or there’s no sign of cancer? Or the surgery was successful? Perhaps, it was that you had just been accepted into the school or program you applied for. Or you got the job … you so earnestly wanted … or so desperately needed. Hallelujah! God be praised!

Tied for number one on my list would have to be ….

Still i will trust You

Still i will trust You

Following Jesus doesn’t mean we won’t go through storms – just ask the disciples! They learned that storms are a part of the journey. But they eventually learned they could still trust Him – even in the midst of storms. It was true for them, and it’s true for us.

The majority of the disciples had grown up as fishermen and had sailed on the Sea of Galilee for most of their lives. They had often sailed to the other side. More than likely, they had even experienced their share of storms while they were on the sea. So when Jesus told them to get into the boat and cross to the other side that night, it was probably “business as usual” for this sea-worthy group.(1)

But the storm that night was apparently beyond anything they had ever experienced. They thought they were going to die! But instead, Jesus used the storm to teach them four truths that night – truths they could hold onto in the midst of any storm. And they are truths we can hold onto – in the midst of COVID-19 – or any other storm we encounter….

I Will Sing Because I Trust You

I Will Sing Because I Trust You

Increasingly each day, our attention is being seized by the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) around the globe. It is impacting how we travel, how we shop, how we meet, and even how we worship. Travelers are being detained and sequestered. Travel that had not yet begun is being cancelled. Cities are deploying the National Guard to establish containment areas. Financial markets are experiencing some of the most turbulent swings in history. Toilet paper has seemingly become a precious commodity. Large meetings are being cancelled. And churches are adjusting how they observe the Lord’s Supper. As few as sixty days ago, no one could have anticipated all of this. Yet it is impacting almost every facet of our lives – and there is currently no end in sight.

i can’t help but draw a parallel to the people of Israel as they camped on the shore of the Red Sea. They had just learned that the Egyptian army was rapidly approaching to capture and destroy them from one side and the sea was blocking their escape on the other. Panic and fear had set in. There seemed to be nowhere to turn.

Right then Moses announced to them, “Don't be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch the LORD rescue you”….