Still i will trust You

Following Jesus doesn’t mean we won’t go through storms – just ask the disciples! They learned that storms are a part of the journey. But they eventually learned they could still trust Him – even in the midst of storms. It was true for them, and it’s true for us.

The majority of the disciples had grown up as fishermen and had sailed on the Sea of Galilee for most of their lives. They had often sailed to the other side. More than likely, they had even experienced their share of storms while they were on the sea. So when Jesus told them to get into the boat and cross to the other side that night, it was probably “business as usual” for this sea-worthy group.(1)

But the storm that night was apparently beyond anything they had ever experienced. They thought they were going to die! But instead, Jesus used the storm to teach them four truths that night – truths they could hold onto in the midst of any storm. And they are truths we can hold onto – in the midst of COVID-19 – or any other storm we encounter.

1. Remember the promise He gave us before we encountered the storm. As they all got into the boat, Jesus said, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” He didn’t say, “Let’s go out to the middle of the lake… and there we will sink.” He told them they were going to the other side. Jesus says what He means, and He means what He says! That was an important promise! 

He has given us a promise as well. He promised that He will never leave us or forsake us – no matter what any storm may bring.(2) We must hold on to that promise before the storm, in the midst of the storm, and even after the storm has passed. His promise is trustworthy!

2. Take comfort in His presence in the midst of the storm. He is right there with us every step of the way. And as we take comfort in His presence, we must take a cue from His demeanor. He was at peace in that boat – sleeping soundly. We must allow His peace to rule over us, even when the waves are breaking around us. The reality of our situation is dependent upon what Jesus says it is, not based on the circumstances we are seeing. It was the unbelief of the disciples that caused their fear, not the storm, and not their circumstances. So, let’s take comfort in His presence.

3. Our Master is more powerful than the storm. When we’re in the midst of the storm, we, too, have a tendency to ask, “Master, don’t You care that we’re going to drown?”(3) We act as if our Lord is off doing something else and has no idea what we are facing. But here’s the thing, there is not anything outside of His view. There is not anything taking place in our lives that is beyond His capacity to know what needs to be done to make it right. AND, there is nothing beyond His capability to make it right. He is all powerful. He speaks… and even the wind and waves obey Him!

4. Our Master will use the storm to bring Himself glory. The disciples had no idea what Jesus would do. They didn’t know to ask Him, “Jesus, would you still the storm?” We have an advantage over them in that regard. They didn’t really yet know Who He was. They had an idea, but they didn’t have the full picture. They didn’t fully comprehend the magnitude of Who He is and what He can do. Therefore all they could do was call out to Him in desperation and ask Him to come help them bail out the water. 

We, on the other hand, don’t have their excuse. We know that He is the Almighty God. But too often, instead of trusting Him for His solution, we ask Him to solve things our way. Truth be told, His ways are not our ways – and more than likely He will still our storm in a way we could never expect. But one fact stands above all the rest – He will still the storm in the way that brings Him the greatest glory! And we may not understand what that is on this side of heaven. That’s when we must hold onto His promise that He “causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”(4)

The song Steady Heart (lyrics below) says, “Still I will trust You. Though the sky is dark, and the wind is wild, You'll never leave me. It could have been written by the disciples that night. In many ways, it was. It’s a truth that will stand up to the test of any storm – on the Sea of Galilee – or even COVID-19. 

Trust Him – even the wind and waves obey Him!

Portions excerpted from Walking With The Master, Ch. 29

(1) Mark 4:35-41

(2) Hebrews 13:5

(3) Mark 4:38

(4) Romans 8:28


Steady Heart

I can't see
What's in front of me
Still I will trust You
Still I will trust You



Steady heart that keeps on going
Steady love that keeps on holding
Lead me on
Steady grace that keeps forgiving
Steady faith that keeps believing
Lead me on


Though the sky is dark
And the wind is wild
You'll never leave me
You'll never leave me


Though the night is long
There is a coming dawn
The light is breaking
The light is breaking


Steady heart that keeps on going
Steady love that keeps on holding
Lead me on
Steady grace that keeps forgiving
Steady faith that keeps believing
Lead me on



And as the dawn breaks
And the clouds clear
In an open space
Together we will run

Written by Steffany Gretzinger and Amanda Lindsey Cook