


We are acutely aware in these days that there are many things we permit to divide us. But there is one that should unite us all.

We can live our lives without a lot of the things that hold great importance to us. We can live without the possessions we hold dear. We can live without the positions that bring us self-importance and self-worth. We can even live without the good health and relationships that bring our lives enjoyment and purpose. And, for a period of time, we can even live without the food and water that bring nourishment to our bodies. But take away our breath and we immediately cease to live.

Breath is the one thing that distinguishes the living from the dead. Adam didn’t become a living person until God breathed into his nostrils.(1) Though muscles and flesh formed over the dry bones, they did not come to life until God breathed into them….(2)

Hallelujah Rising

Hallelujah Rising

Hallelujah! God be praised! As you read those words, what do they evoke within you? Yes, they are words of praise and worship spoken – or shouted – most often in gratitude to an Almighty God for what He has just done. And whatever it was, it more than likely bordered on the miraculous! What experience … or memory … or story immediately comes to your mind as you repeat those words? Was it the report that your test results came back and the tumor is gone? Or there’s no sign of cancer? Or the surgery was successful? Perhaps, it was that you had just been accepted into the school or program you applied for. Or you got the job … you so earnestly wanted … or so desperately needed. Hallelujah! God be praised!

Tied for number one on my list would have to be ….

Praise Before My Breakthrough

Praise Before My Breakthrough

Our Lord is the same today as He was yesterday, and as He will be tomorrow. Don’t take my word for it – take His! He has said it through His Word: “Jesus Christ never changes! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 CEV).

i always shudder whenever i hear someone say, “God doesn’t work like that anymore.” If that’s the case, then who changed? Because God said He never changes. So on whose authority do we make that statement? It obviously isn’t on the authority of God or His Word, so it must be on our own authority.

And what is the basis of our authority? It can’t be our position – because we are the created beings. What created being ever had the authority to say what its creator can and cannot do? The painting doesn’t have the capacity to tell the painter what he or she can or cannot do. The painting doesn’t select the color, the size of the canvas, the stroke, or the subject. The painting has no say in the matter. Through its position as the painting, it has no authority over the painter!

So if it’s not our position….