Pain and suffering

Lord, What About Him (or Her)?

Lord, What About Him (or Her)?

Several years ago i participated in a wilderness safety, survival and security training in the mountains of Idaho with about thirty other people. Though i didn’t know most of the folks going into the training, a shared experience like that creates a bond that sticks with you for the rest of your lives. Two of those folks – a husband and wife – and i were teamed together for several of the exercises. They – like the rest – will forever hold a special place in my heart. Over the years since then, i have seen God use this couple – Steve and Laura – in phenomenal ways in the advancement of the message of the Good News across the globe. He has ordered their steps and worked through them to have eternal impact for the Kingdom. In the midst of that activity, Steve was diagnosed with liver cancer. In recent months, he has been in and out of the hospital – more in than out. The physical battle is intense – and while we pray for healing, we pray for grace and strength, and restorative rest in the midst of the battle. i am mindful that one of their prayer requests is that God would grant Steve the time on this side of glory to finish the work that He has placed before him. (i would ask you to join with many throughout the world who are interceding on behalf of this dear couple and their family.)


In times like these, we tend to want to ask God, why them?

Hold On

Hold On

i don’t know about you, but i am a wimp when it comes to pain. When i go to the dentist, Novocaine is my best friend! i recently had surgery on my eyes and the surgeon asked me if i would like to stay awake, or if i would prefer to be put to sleep. He asked me the question in a way that clearly communicated his view that a manly man would stay awake. But i failed to be intimidated – i told him i would enjoy the good sleep! i mean, if i can sleep and avoid the pain and discomfort, why not? Given the choice to go through pain and suffering or not, why would i? Every part of my being screams that pain and suffering is to be avoided at all cost.

That’s not only true for physical pain, but also for emotional or relational pain….