What Is God Waiting For?

What Is God Waiting For?

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Frequently in response to my weekly posts, i receive comments or questions about why God didn’t intervene in a specific tragedy. If He is sovereign, why didn’t He keep that tragedy from occurring? The comments, in most instances, are from people crying out for an answer with a sincere and broken heart. On occasion, it is pouring out from a heart that has become bitter and hardened by the tragedy. Some have even gone so far as to conclude that since God didn’t act in the way we think He should have that He must not exist.

i will confess that i too struggle with some of those very same “why” questions. Why does God permit pain and suffering to continue? Why hasn’t He returned to earth and ended the disastrous consequences of our sin? To quote Tevye from “Fiddler on the Roof”: “Wouldn’t now be a good time for the Messiah to come?” (And i would hasten to add the word “again” to the end of that question.)

The Unpredictable God

The Unpredictable God

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Did you ever expect God to do something in one way, but it ended up looking completely different? Did you ever ask Him to provide for a need in a way you thought was best, only to discover He provided in a totally unpredictable way? Did you ever think you were headed in one direction and then find out that God had opened a door in an entirely unexpected direction?

God has promised to always be faithful, but most often His faithfulness looks very different from what we thought it would.

A Hidden Journey

A Hidden Journey

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Jesus will often take us on a wilderness journey with Him in order to prepare us and equip us for the task that He is placing before us. There are things that He can only teach us when we are one-on-One with Him in the deserts, or the floods, or the difficulties of a wilderness journey. He alone determines how long the journey will last and where it will lead. Though He is using the time in the wilderness to prepare us for what He has in store after the wilderness, He also has work for us right there in the midst of the wilderness! And through the preparation and the work, He is teaching us truths we can only learn directly from Him.

Sometimes those wilderness journeys are a very private and personal affair. It’s us and the Lord – and very few others, if any, know about it. It’s a “hidden” journey – and i personally believe that it is in that type of journey that God does His deepest work in our lives. It is an intimate journey that God uses to remove the dross from our lives and refine us to be vessels that are prepared and useful to Him….

3 Things You Never Want To Hear Jesus Say

3 Things You Never Want To Hear Jesus Say

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Most often when we think of Jesus, we think of Him as our Loving Savior. He and the Father loved us so much that Jesus came to this earth to pay the penalty for our sin. Jesus, Himself, said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”(1) He was not only pronouncing His love for us; He was calling us His friends.

We also often think of Jesus as the Gentle Servant, who lived humbly and served selflessly. But we water down the Gospel when we fail to recognize Him as the Righteous Judge. Though we see Him most often in the Gospels as the Loving Savior, we see Him upon His return in the Book of Revelation as the Righteous Judge. And just as He, as our Savior, has extended His salvation to each and every one of us – each and every one of us will stand before Him as our Judge….

The Forgotten Disciples

The Forgotten Disciples

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If someone was to ask you to name the twelve disciples who followed Jesus, how far could you get on the list? Many of us could think of Simon Peter, the outspoken fisherman who denied Jesus. Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Jesus, would also probably come to mind in light of his treacherous act. We may think of Matthew and John, since they both wrote a Gospel account. (And, no, just in case you were wondering, the other two Gospel writers, Mark and Luke, were not two of the disciples.) The other two names that might come to mind may be Andrew, the one who introduced his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus and James, the brother of John.

If you named those six, you get to advance to the head of the class, because you have named more than most of the rest of us. But there are six more men on the list, whose names are more difficult to recall. Since little was written about them, their names tend to fade into obscurity in our memories….

You Have Not Passed This Way Before

You Have Not Passed This Way Before

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Just this morning i heard from or about a number of good friends who are walking through difficult circumstances or life-altering events. One has been intubated and placed on a ventilator as his body fights the ravages of Covid-19. One is grieving the death of a parent … and still another the passing of a spouse. Another has been exploring a job change and is now dealing with the disappointment of a recent rejection. Yet, still another announced with great joy that he is embarking on an exciting new career opportunity.

And right now, we are all watching while the people of Afghanistan are experiencing a traumatic and chaotic transition that appears to have caught everyone by surprise. We pray for the many whose lives have been uprooted as they flee their homeland, as well as the many more who are bracing for the unknown as they remain in their country.

At the same time, the people of Haiti are reeling from the devastating effects of the recent earthquake ….

Everyone Loves Jesus … Or So It Appeared

Everyone Loves Jesus … Or So It Appeared

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It was the first day of the week, and the crowd was enthusiastically welcoming Jesus into the city. Most of the people spread their garments or branches on the road before Him. Everyone appeared to love Jesus! Well, maybe not everyone. But, at that moment, you would have thought everyone did by the way the crowd was acting.

If It Is Of God, You Will Not Stop It

If It Is Of God, You Will Not Stop It

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Have you ever felt as if God has directed you to do something … but the world around you is standing against you? Has that kind of opposition ever discouraged you from doing what you know God has directed you to do?

Jesus encountered opposition at almost every turn throughout the three years of His earthly ministry, as did His disciples. It should therefore come as no surprise that the same will be true for us. So, what do we do when we encounter that opposition? It would be good for us to take a reminder from Peter and John.

In the days following Pentecost, Peter and John (as well as the other apostles) boldly proclaimed the Good News of Jesus. Many who heard came to faith, but many more rejected the Good News. Most notable in their rejection was the religious establishment. They, in turn, did everything they could to dissuade the apostles. They threatened them – and when that didn’t work, they arrested, imprisoned and flogged them. But still, Peter and John would not be put off….

What Happens When The Water Is Gone?

What Happens When The Water Is Gone?

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All of us have been through a lot over these past eighteen months. Experiences like we have been through tend to cause us to consider what it is we can really count on when we find ourselves in a tough spot. What can we depend on to get us out? Is it our possessions (do we have enough money to pay our way out)? Is it our position (do we have enough pull or ability to get ourselves out, or at least ride it out)? Is it our relationships (do we know the right people who have the answers and can help us get out of this jam)? Those aren’t really new questions. Humankind has been thinking that way almost from the very beginning.

One example is a man who had faithfully gone to a pool each day for thirty-eight years. He was trusting in the miraculous powers of a pool of water to heal him. But he came to learn that there was One in whom he could trust even if the water was gone. He could have confidence even if the possessions, the position, or the relationships suddenly disappeared. There was One who would never fade away or forsake him….

Jesus Never Hesitated

Jesus Never Hesitated

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There was a point in Jesus’s earthly ministry that people had seen Him perform many miracles – from the transformation of water to wine, to the healing of lepers, cripples and even the blind. The people had marveled at this One who could make the lame to walk and the blind to see. And the multitudes began to flock to Him to witness, and for many, to experience – His healing touch. But they were about to see something they had NEVER seen before – and something they could not even imagine. They were about to see Jesus raise a young man from the dead!

The day had started out no different from any other. A large crowd had been following Him throughout the day. Jesus was approaching the gate to enter the village of Nain late in the day.(1) At the same time, a funeral procession was making its way out of the village on its way to the cemetery….