The question before us is, what are we modeling for the generation that we are raising up?
No More Manna
God will faithfully provide manna when it’s needed, but not when grain is sufficient.
Faithful to the Finish
The people of God often allowed their fear to erode their confidence in His faithfulness. i fear i am often guilty of doing the same thing.
Whose Counsel Will We Seek?
Walk in the confidence and assurance that only the Lord’s counsel will bring.
A Covenant Renewed
Does it seem like God is directing you to do something at a time which you believe is most inopportune?
Leaning On Our Own Understanding
Have you ever encountered something you thought was so minor – so seemingly insignificant – that you didn’t think there was even any need to pray about it?
Get Ready! We’re Leaving in Three Days!
Has the time come for you to enter into the promise that God has given you? Be ready. He will hasten it in His time.
Don’t Forget to Be Thankful
We all have much for which to be thankful—even in the midst of challenging days. But i fear we tend to forget.
Commissioned by God
It was God’s plan – His promise, His assurance, and His commission. The commission guaranteed that all power in heaven and on the earth would be brought to bear to see it fulfilled.
Finish Strong
Why do we too often stop short of the finish line?
The Goodness of God
All that we have is from Him, including the very breath in our lungs. He has held us in His hands for all of our days, so let us tell of His wonderful goodness.
Steady Heart
When we stand steady on God’s promise, despite what we see or don’t see, we’ll see the dawn break, the clouds part, and His glory shine.
Don’t Settle For Less
How often have i settled for less than God’s best?
The good news is our Creator created us with the ability to choose. But i fear that too often the bad news is He created us with the ability to choose!
He’s Never Gonna Let Us Down
Our God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us . . . no matter what we face. He will never abandon us. He will never fail to keep His promises.
Is There a Raging River Ahead?
Is there a raging river ahead in your path? Is it a circumstance or a situation that you can’t go around . . . but you must go through?
It Was By Faith
It was by faith! Apart from those four words, their lives – and ours – would look very different.
This Time Let’s Try Doing It God’s Way
How often do we seek God on the big things in our lives, but fail to do so on what we deem to be the little things?
Confidently Abandoned
We can be confident in the One to whom we are abandoned because time and again He has proven He is trustworthy.
Keep Your Promise
Let us keep our promises along the way, and be grateful for a God who keeps His every promise to us.