Be that Barnabas that God has equipped you to be. Step up boldly and be that friend and encourager God has created you to be.
No Detail Is Too Small
We serve a God and follow a Master who knows exactly what tomorrow holds—and He has a perfect plan and path for us—down to the last detail, if we will but ask!
If You Will, You Can
Take it from one who had come to the end of himself.
Plucking the Grain
As you walk through the fields with the Master today, be sure to pluck some grain off the stalks, and don’t keep anyone who is hungering or thirsting for the Father from doing the same.
Whose Counsel Will We Seek?
Walk in the confidence and assurance that only the Lord’s counsel will bring.
No Matter Where We Are
Let’s learn a lesson from two men named Eldad and Medad, and remain in a posture that we are usable and fillable by the Lord, no matter where we are in the camp.
Put to the Test
Every student knows that once you have been given instruction, most often, you will be put to the test. God—the Master Instructor—does the same thing.
Love Your Neighbor
We would do well to consider who our neighbor is. Who have we knowingly—or unknowingly—excluded?
The Power of God Can’t Be Bought
The power of God isn’t about us—it’s all about Him. And it can’t be bought!
Who Gave Jesus the Right?
And as His followers, we too have “the right”—and the mandate—to proclaim His truth boldly.
Who Dared to Anoint Jesus?
Our actions are often an accurate reflection of our thoughts about Jesus and the nature of our relationship with Him. But an even more telling indicator is our inaction or our failure to act.
An Unlikely Witness
Listen to this first-hand account of a teenage boy who secretly followed Jesus and His disciples to the Mount of Olives on that fateful night. Hear how this unlikely ordinary witness would one day be used by the Master in extraordinary ways.
A Covenant Renewed
Does it seem like God is directing you to do something at a time which you believe is most inopportune?
On To Our Paran
As we journey on to the Paran in our path, we, too, can do so in the confidence that we are enveloped in His presence. We are shaded, protected and bounded by His limitless power and grace.
Bread That Is Sufficient
As we follow the Lord on the path He has set before us, He may seldom provide in the manner we anticipate; but He will always provide in a way that is sufficient.
Chosen to Serve
No, the church isn’t perfect, but then again, it never has been! But we endeavor to worship, follow, and follow the example of the only One who is and ever was perfect.
Perilous Times
Even in the midst of the perilous times that surround us we can embrace the hope we have through the promises and assurance Jesus gave to His disciples—and through them, to us.
His Face Was Set
No matter what was on Jesus’s “to do list,” His face was always set, His eye was always focused, and His stride never wavered from His ultimate purpose.
Thomas (A Story of Guilt and Shame)
Just like this disciple, the shame, guilt, and faithlessness we harbor in our hearts will keep us from seeing and experiencing God’s truth.
Judas Iscariot (A Story of Selfish Ambition)
Just like this disciple, the sin we harbor in our hearts will keep us from seeing and experiencing God’s truth.