Jesus Will Still Be There

This week has been filled with special memories for our family. Our second grandson was born at 6:09AM Sunday morning. All seven pounds fourteen ounces of him! i can’t think of a better way to start a week than to welcome a new life into your family. 

Kenton was scheduled to arrive on Tuesday. The doctor was scheduled. The delivery room was reserved. Our daughter’s bag was packed. But someone forgot to tell our grandson. But no fear – he didn’t arrive early. He arrived right on time! It was the rest of us that were off on our calendars.

My wife and i received that middle of the night call and quickly made the two hour drive to be here. As we were driving, the song “Jesus Will Still Be There” (lyrics below) by Selah came up on my playlist. 

As i listened to the lyrics of the song, i couldn’t help but be struck by this idea. “Kenton, today is the first day of your life outside the womb. And if there was one word i would tell you and your older brother to hold onto every moment of every day of your life, it would be just that – Jesus will still be there!”

It’s hard to imagine on a day like this – but in the days ahead, things will change, plans will fail, storms will arise, and there will be days when the going will get tough. Why? Because that is all a part of life on this side of eternity. BUT – there is one constant you will ALWAYS be able to depend on – Jesus will still be there. His love will never change. When no one else is true, He’ll STILL be loving you!

The night Jesus was betrayed He began a discourse with His disciples that began in the upper room and continued as He led them to the Mount of Olives. It was another one of those moments in the lives of His disciples that they were clueless. We can relate to them, because we’re all clueless most of the time as well!

Jesus had just told them that He was going to prepare a place for them. They didn’t know it yet, but they were about to scatter in fear. Their Master was about to be arrested, beaten and crucified. Their world as they knew it was about to come crashing down upon them. Thomas spoke up for the rest of the disciples – asking what was on all of their minds.“Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” (John 14:5 ESV).

Permit me to paraphrase Jesus’ response from John 14:

“Thomas, I am THE WAY. I am not a way; I am the only way. Don’t be deceived into trying another way or make the mistake of trying to follow your own way. I am the only way. Only My way leads to the Father’s house. Other ways may seem right in your own thinking, but those ways will take you where you don’t want to go. You’ve not yet seen the Father’s house. But I have! You don’t know the way there. But I do! And I’m the only one who does. Trust Me, Thomas – and all of you – I am THE WAY!

“And Thomas, I am THE TRUTH! I am not A truth, I am THE truth. My word is absolute. My word is without error. My truth does not change based upon season or whim. It is not situational. It is not relative. It is absolute! You will never know the truth of any situation, or trial, or circumstance, until you hear from Me. I existed before the beginning of time. My truth has been the same from before the beginning and will remain beyond the end of time. My truth is ageless. My truth is matchless. And my truth is beyond reproach. If you need an answer, I am the One to ask. I am the only One to ask! Trust Me, Thomas – and all of you – I am THE TRUTH!

“Lastly, Thomas, I am THE LIFE! In Me, through Me, and by Me have all things been created. All life comes from Me. I am the Creator of life and the Defeater of death. Through Me – and Me alone – you can experience life, abundant life, to the maximum! Only through Me can you escape the chains of sin and death. Only through Me can you experience unfettered life. I am the only One who can make that promise. Trust Me, Thomas – and all of you – I am THE LIFE!”

Kenton, Jesus IS the way, the truth and the life! And because He is, He will ALWAYS be there. He will STILL be there for you – and for everyone who calls upon Him! He will NEVER leave you or forsake you. Trust Him, little one!

Portion excerpted from the novel, Through the Eyes of a Shepherd

Jesus Will Still Be There

Things change, plans fail 
You look for love on a grander scale 
Storms rise, hopes fade 
And you place your bets on another day 
When the going gets tough 
When the ride's too rough 
When you're just not sure enough, Jesus will still be there


His love will never change 
Sure as the steady rain 
Jesus will still be there 
When no one else is true 
He'll still be loving you 
When it looks like you've lost it all 
And you haven't got a prayer 
Jesus will still be there

Time flies, hearts turn 
A little bit wiser from lessons learned 
But sometimes, weakness wins 
And you lose your foothold once again 
When the going gets tough 
When the ride's too rough 
When you're just not sure enough, Jesus will still be there

His love will never change 
Sure as the steady rain 
Jesus will still be there 
When no one else is true 
He'll still be loving you 
When it looks like you've lost it all 
And you haven't got a prayer 
Jesus will still be there

Jesus will still be there 
His love will never change 
Sure as the steady rain 
Jesus will still be there 
When no one else is true 
He'll still be loving you 
When it looks like you've lost it all 
And you haven't got a prayer 
Jesus will still be there

When it looks like you've lost it all 
And you haven't got a prayer 
Jesus will still be there

Songwriters: John Mandeville / John R. Mandeville / Robert Sterling / Robert Matthew Sterling

Jesus Will Still Be There lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, The Bicycle Music Company