
Zacchaeus – A Message of Hope

Zacchaeus – A Message of Hope

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As is my practice on occasion, the post this week is a fictional first-person account as told by Zacchaeus about the events and circumstances of his life leading up to his encounter with Jesus. Though some of the characters and details contained in the story are fictional, you will find the truth conveyed to be very REAL! 

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I did not always want to be a tax collector. I was the second son of a merchant by the name of Hiram. He fully expected both his sons would follow in his footsteps.

My mother was very ill as she carried me to term. The midwife had warned her that I might not survive childbirth. But she and I did survive my birth; however, she died soon thereafter. I was sickly as a baby and required constant attention, so my father arranged for a nurse to care for me. As I grew, I continued to be chronically ill, which caused me to be feeble and stunted my growth….

A Lesson from Zacchaeus

A Lesson from Zacchaeus

Most of us, at some point in our lives, have hosted a guest – and probably on more than one occasion. It could have been for a meal. It could have been for an overnight stay. It may have been longer. Some of you may be hosting a guest right now … and you’re wondering if they will ever leave!

The guest may have been a family member, or a friend, or an acquaintance. They may be strangers that you were asked … or compelled … to host. You may have been preparing to host your guest for some time. In fact, you looked forward to their arrival with anticipation. Or maybe, you wouldn’t go right to “looked forward to their arrival.” Or perhaps, your guest unexpectedly showed up.

Over the years, we have been the host to guests in each one of those situations … and we have also been the guests received by gracious hosts in each one of those situations. i am particularly mindful of occasions when we found ourselves stranded while we were traveling overseas, and unexpectant hosts very graciously took us in….