

Boundaries can be good things. They can protect us. They can help define us – as to what we believe, what we will stand on, and what we will stand for. They can unite us in a common effort.

Yes, like any good thing, boundaries can also be misused. Others can attempt to use boundaries to control us and abuse us. That’s why it’s important that we understand the reasons for the boundaries. We need to understand why they’ve been established. British writer and philosopher G. K Chesterton wrote, “Don’t remove a fence until you know why it was put up in the first place.” There are some fences that need to be taken down – but there are many others that need to stand strong.

From the very beginning, our Creator established boundaries for us – boundaries for our good. But our prideful and sinful nature resists those boundaries….

The Journey's End

The Journey's End

Two men wandered through the wilderness with the Israelite children for forty years; one led them through the wilderness, the other would lead them into the Promised Land. Both had an assignment from God. One was to stop here(1), the other was to lead the people the rest of the way.

I must confess that on the surface this is one of the most perplexing incidents in Scripture for me. God’s hand was conspicuous on the life of Moses from his birth. God rescued him from the hand of Pharaoh as a little baby in a basket in the bulrushes. God prepared him for his assignment in the walled palace during his first forty years, and then took him to the wilderness pasture to continue his preparation for the next forty years.

Then God gave him one of the toughest assignments He has ever given any man – to shepherd His people out of Egypt and to shepherd Egypt out of His people….

God Has Never Been Unfaithful

God Has Never Been Unfaithful

Even the best of us, no matter how well-intentioned, have come up short. We have failed to follow through on a promise we made to a friend or a loved one – albeit unintentional. We have missed a deadline at work or school – due to circumstances beyond our control. Three days into a new year we have broken that new year’s resolution that we made so earnestly. Or the one that hurts the most of all – we have done something or said something – or failed to do something or say something – that brought pain to someone we hold dear. We didn’t mean to hurt them or break our promise. We didn’t mean to not deliver on our commitment. We didn’t mean to be unfaithful … but we were!

As a result, we have broken a trust. At best, we have planted a seed in the minds – and hearts – of others that we are unreliable, undependable – or worse, untrustworthy. At worst, we have shattered a relationship due to our failure or neglect. A reputation of faithfulness and trustworthiness is built over a lifetime … but it can be destroyed in a solitary moment.

What The Crisis Reveals

What The Crisis Reveals

For decades, i, like many of you, have been mining a “daily nugget” from the collection of writings by Oswald Chambers entitled, My Utmost for His Highest. And no matter how many times i read it, the Lord never fails to draw my eyes to a truth of which i need to be reminded.

Such was the case on September 10th. Oswald writes, “It is not the crisis that builds something within us — it simply reveals what we are made of already.

There were three reasons that truth stood out to me….

A Seed Must Die

A Seed Must Die

The apostle Paul wrote, “A seed must die before it can sprout from the ground.”(1)

i don’t know about you, but that statement put me off a bit. i’ve never thought about seeds needing to die. To me, seeds are always the picture of new life just bursting to get out. But the fact of the matter is that the seed must die in order for life to burst out. As it dies, it transforms into roots that go deep, and stems that soon make their way out of the dirt into the air in order to grow and blossom. If you dig up a plant after it has blossomed you won’t find the seed – only the product of the dead seed. Because … a seed must die!

Amazing Faith

Amazing Faith

There are only two times recorded in the Bible when we read that Jesus was amazed. It was highly unusual for the Son of God to be amazed. He knew what was in man, so very little could amaze Him.

The first time was by the unbelief of the Jews in His hometown of Nazareth.(1) These were the people who knew Him the best. He had grown up among them. He counted them as friends and neighbors. He had done carpentry work for many of them. (Imagine having the Creator of the universe doing your carpentry work. It must have been stunning!)

For almost thirty years they had seen Him live out a sinless life of righteousness. (Presuming that the Creator could possibly hit His own thumb with His hammer, not one disconcerting word ever came out of His mouth!) And yet, these friends and neighbors not only didn’t believe in Him – they rejected Him. Amazing!

The second time Jesus was amazed was quite the opposite. He was amazed by the faith of a man. It was a man who had never before met Jesus. He wasn’t one of Jesus’ closest followers. He wasn’t a devout religious leader. He wasn’t even a Jew. He was a Roman soldier.(2)

What Do These Stones Mean?

What Do These Stones Mean?

Twelve years ago, our family started a tradition of creating an annual book of photographs highlighting our family’s special memories for the year. Digital desktop technology makes creating such a book so much easier than printing individual pictures and putting them in an organized album – at least for us. We entitle each year’s book “A Year To Remember…” with the respective year. It has three main benefits for us.

First, it helps us recall the treasured memories, blessings and events that our Lord has given us, and even those challenging times through which He has led us. Often, as we look back several years, it helps us recall when something took place, or who was at that special event, or to be reminded of how much our family has grown. (However, we never use it to remind ourselves how much older we have become!)

Second, we use it as a “coffee table” book for friends and guests to browse when they visit us in our home. (We now have friends who look forward to being included in the book each year – and our family vies for who or what memory will make the coveted cover photo of this year’s book.) Through the book, we are able to magnify the works of God on our behalf and give Him glory….

You Will Never Ever Wash My Feet

You Will Never Ever Wash My Feet

There is absolutely no one who has ever walked on this earth who has had more authority, more majesty and more adoration due Him than Jesus. Every ruler who has ever lived, the most wealthy, the most powerful, and the most famous all fall short of His glory and His authority. The Father had sent Him, and He would return to the Father.

i grew up in Palm Beach County, Florida. i have heard it said that the island of Palm Beach is home to ten percent of America’s wealth. It is the island of the rich and famous. Our current U. S. President has a home there. Whenever he is in town, traffic is rerouted on land, sea and air. i would not even venture to guess how many people are in his entourage and service to make sure his every need is met, and every comfort is provided. i don’t say that critically of the President, nor do i disparage in any way the other residents of the town and the way they are served. i mention them solely as a point of comparison. Jesus, who has absolute authority over every one of them – and every one of us – and is worthy of all praise, all worship, all respect, and all reverence, got up from the table one night, took off His robe and wrapped a towel around His waist like a servant.(1) There are a very few of us who would ever do anything like that – and none of those are the King of Kings….

Keep Nothing For Yourself

Keep Nothing For Yourself

God has given me the blessing and privilege of working with a number of great leaders throughout my career in ministry and in business. One of those leaders was a “paradoxical leader”. He believed that a paradox (a self-contradictory statement) was an effective way to create tension within a group or organization from which creative solutions can emerge. That type of leader is very comfortable with ambiguity, uncertainty, messiness and contradictions. The desired result is direction without directives, authority without control, and a creative tension from which creative solutions will emerge. The idea is that the solution to many problems is found somewhere between the two paradoxical thoughts, and the creative tension will allow the diverging groups to converge on that solution. It’s an interesting leadership style; one that can be challenging to work under. But it was highly effective for this leader.

Jesus Himself is well known for using verbal paradox to communicate truth – “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.”(1) “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.”(2) And, “Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else.”(3) But His use of paradox did not point to a truth somewhere in the middle; His paradox underscored the truth. And i would definitely say that there is nothing paradoxical about God’s leadership. He is both directive and authoritative. His truth is absolute, and without contradiction….

The One Who Goes Before Us

The One Who Goes Before Us

Throughout our lives, we will encounter enemies that are assembling to attack us. In some instances it may be other people, but more often it will be enemies like disease, unplanned job loss, financial setback, and the like. When we come upon them, we would do well to remember that God is our “Banner” and He goes before us!

After God had led the Israelites across the Red Sea, they saw the warriors of Amalek assembling for a fight there in the valley of Rephidim.(1) The last army that had assembled against the Israelites had perished at the bottom of the sea. The Israelites had not been called upon to go into battle to defeat them. No Israelite blood had been spilled. The casualty count at that battle had been: Egyptians – ALL; Israelites – NONE. God had gone before the Israelites, making a way for their escape, and He had gone behind them, making a way for their enemy’s defeat….