Advent - Levi's Story

Advent - Levi's Story

NOTE: Four weeks ago i began posting a series of five short stories surrounding the incarnational birth of Jesus. This is the fifth and final story in that series. These stories are fictional first-person accounts of the prophecies and events surrounding the advent of Jesus. Some of the characters and details are fictional, but you will find the truth they convey to be very REAL! My prayer is that, through the telling, you are reminded of the Good News of Advent this Christmas season. To that end, let’s look at the account through the eyes of Levi:

Mary – the virgin (November 18)

Eli – the father of Mary (November 25)

Miriam – the hostess (December 2)

Sarah – the granddaughter of Miriam (December 9)

Levi – the rabbi in Bethlehem (This week – December 16)

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I am Levi, the chief rabbi in Bethlehem. Before you become too impressed with my position, remember that Bethlehem is ordinarily a small town – when the census is not taking place – and there are only three rabbis in our synagogue.

During my younger days, I was a student of Hillel the Elder in Jerusalem. Hillel is still recognized as the highest authority on all spiritual matters among the Pharisees….

Advent - Sarah's Story

Advent - Sarah's Story

NOTE: Three weeks ago i began posting a series of five short stories surrounding the incarnational birth of Jesus. These stories are fictional first-person accounts of the prophecies and events surrounding the advent of Jesus. Some of the characters and details are fictional, but you will find the truth they convey to be very REAL! My prayer is that, through the telling, you are reminded of the Good News of Advent this Christmas season. To that end, let’s look at the account through the eyes of five very different individuals:

Mary – the virgin (November 18)

Eli – the father of Mary (November 25)

Miriam – the hostess (December 2)

Sarah – the granddaughter of Miriam (This Week – December 9)

Levi – the rabbi in Bethlehem (December 16)

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Hello! My name is Sarah and I am eight years old. I live in the town of Bethlehem in my grandparents’ home with my mom, dad, uncles, aunts, brothers, sister, and cousins. There are eighteen of us living in the same house. And my aunt is expecting a baby, so guess how many will be in our house then? Nineteen!

Advent - Miriam's Story

Advent - Miriam's Story

NOTE: Two weeks ago i began posting a series of five short stories surrounding the incarnational birth of Jesus. These stories are fictional first-person accounts of the prophecies and events surrounding the advent of Jesus. Some of the characters and details are fictional, but you will find the truth they convey to be very REAL! My prayer is that, through the telling, you are reminded of the Good News of Advent this Christmas season. To that end, let’s look at the account through the eyes of five very different individuals:

Mary – the virgin (November 18)

Eli – the father of Mary (November 25)

Miriam – the hostess (This week – December 2)

Sarah – the granddaughter of Miriam (December 9)

Levi – the rabbi in Bethlehem (December 16)

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I am Miriam and have lived my entire life here in Bethlehem. In ancient times, the town was called Ephrath, meaning “fruitful.” The first reference to Ephrath in our history is that Jacob’s wife, Rachel, died near here giving birth to their youngest son, Benjamin. That is significant to me because my lineage follows the tribe of Benjamin. As a matter of fact, King Saul was one of my ancestors. My lineage follows his oldest daughter, Merab….

Advent - Eli's Story

Advent - Eli's Story

NOTE: Starting last week and for the four subsequent weeks, i am posting a total of five short stories surrounding the incarnational birth of Jesus. These stories are fictional first-person accounts of the prophecies and events surrounding the advent of Jesus. Some of the characters and details are fictional, but you will find the truth they convey to be very REAL! My prayer is that, through the telling, you are reminded of the Good News of Advent this Christmas season. To that end, let’s look at the account through the eyes of five very different individuals:

Mary – the virgin (November 18)

Eli – the father of Mary (This week – November 25)

Miriam – the hostess (December 2)

Sarah – the granddaughter of Miriam (December 9)

Levi – the rabbi in Bethlehem (December 16)

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My name is Eli, and I am the son of Matthat of the line of King David from the tribe of Judah. I am a carpenter in the town of Nazareth….

Advent - Mary's Story

Advent - Mary's Story

NOTE: Starting today and for the four weeks that follow, i will be posting a total of five short stories surrounding the incarnational birth of Jesus. These stories are fictional first-person accounts of the prophecies and events surrounding the advent of Jesus. Some of the characters and details are fictional, but you will find the truth they convey to be very REAL! My prayer is that, through the telling, you are reminded of the Good News of Advent this Christmas season. To that end, let’s look at the account through the eyes of five very different individuals:

Mary – the virgin (This week – November 18)

Eli – the father of Mary (November 25)

Miriam – the hostess (December 2)

Sarah – the granddaughter of Miriam (December 9)

Levi – the rabbi in Bethlehem (December 16)

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I am Mary, the Lord’s servant, and I have truly been blessed….

An Opening In The Wall

An Opening In The Wall

When Saul returned to Damascus after a three-year journey in the Arabian wilderness, the Jews plotted together to kill him. The “hunter”, Saul, had now become the hunted. Having been an ardent persecutor of Christians, he was fully aware of all of the means that were at the disposal of his “hunters”. He may have actually trained some of those Jews in the best way to capture the Christians. He could anticipate the details of the next steps in the playbook of the plot against him. He had written the playbook!

He had two good reasons to be self-confident. First, Saul was a brilliant man. He probably had “plays” in his playbook that these men had never thought of. It would have been very easy for him to be overconfident in his own knowledge and his own ability to thwart the plans of those who were plotting against him. He easily could have determined to rely on his own ability to overcome the problem himself….

The Day The Sun Stood Still

The Day The Sun Stood Still

“Let the sun stand still over Gibeon….”

Though Joshua is the one who voiced that prayer, it did not begin in his heart. It was birthed in the heart of God! The sun standing still was not a part of a battle strategy that Joshua and the other leaders had devised. Even though it was highly effective that day, they never included that particular strategy in any of their future battle plans. They never again used that prayer in some type of last-ditch effort when the tide of battle was not going in their direction – kind of like a “Hail, Mary” pass in the final seconds of a football game.

That prayer was divinely inspired for that specific moment in time by God.



From the very beginning, God has chosen to work through ordinary men and women to accomplish His work. There is a quality that is glaringly consistent among all of them. It’s not that they were the smartest, or the strongest, or the richest, or even the bravest. They weren’t all the best educated, or the best looking, or the best positioned, or even the best equipped. They weren’t the most well-spoken, the most experienced, the most creative, or even the most athletic. It wasn’t their talent that set them apart. It wasn’t their achievements or their pedigree. Each of them may have had one or two of these traits, but there is only one characteristic that was true for each and every one. God looked on their hearts and saw that they were trustworthy.

They were by no means perfect. As a matter of fact, every one of them was flawed. Noah was known to drink too much. Abraham was known to lie whenever he thought it was to his advantage. Jacob was a deceiver. Moses had a bad temper. David committed adultery and even murder. Solomon was blinded by pride. Isaiah had a foul mouth. Peter denied his Lord. And Paul refused to extend grace when he should have….

Greater is He

Greater is He

When the Word of God is being proclaimed through word or action, you can be assured that the enemy will make every effort to try to oppose and pervert the truth, and try to discourage the proclaimer. That’s a good reminder as to why God hasn’t called us to be loner Jedi warriors. He has wired us to be in fellowship with other believers. And most often, He sends us out in teams of two or more, just like He did His disciples in Luke 10 – so that we can encourage, exhort and uphold one another.

But even more importantly, Jesus has uniquely equipped us so that we will never stand alone. He has given us His Holy Spirit to dwell within us – so that by Him we are empowered to be His witnesses.(1) And John wrote to remind us: “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”(2) Jesus knows who and what we will encounter. He has known it since before the beginning of time and He has given us all that we need to overcome it.

Such was the case in Paphos, one day about two thousand years ago….

Way Maker

Way Maker

The big day was just one day away! Over fourteen thousand days (40 years) had passed since the Israelites had begun their journey. The next day they would finally cross over into the Promised Land.(1)

i don’t know the details of your particular journey, but i would venture that you have not been waiting for forty years to cross over into God’s promise. i also do not know where you are in your journey – you may be at that place that you are preparing to cross over into the place God has promised you – or you may still have a ways to go. But be mindful that no matter where you are, you have not passed this way before.

Just like the Israelites, we are journeying into the unknown. There are barriers ahead – those we can see (like the Jordan River and the walls surrounding the city of Jericho), and those we have not yet seen. There are adversaries ahead – those that will be obvious (like the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Hivites and the rest of the “ites”) and those that will not be so obvious (like the Gibeonites(2)). God has never said that His promise ahead would be absent of barriers and adversaries. However, He has said that He will never leave us nor forsake us.(3) And just like His promise to the Israelites as they stood on the banks of the Jordan River, He has promised that He will go before us and go with us. He had always gone before them – and once more He was promising to always be – their Way Maker….