Let Us Arise and Build

Let Us Arise and Build

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We live in a day that is sorely in need of great leaders within every corner of our world – those who do not lead for personal gain, fame or recognition, but rather, those who would lead to bring about the changes needed for the benefit of all. But sadly, instead of selflessness, we more often are led by those who are pursuing their own personal agenda. Instead of humility, we are subjected to hubris and narcissism. Instead of the courage to do what is right, we are ruled by those who would rather pursue a path that is more politically expedient.

Within our history as a nation we have benefited from the leadership of men and women of that caliber – leaders such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Clara Barton and Rosa Parks to name a few. On a global level one would have to include leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela. As we look through Scripture, we see further examples of men and women that would need to be a part of that list, leaders such as Moses, Joshua, Esther and Paul. i do not intend for this to be a fully comprehensive list but rather a representative sample. And, of course, one would have to include at the very top of that list Jesus as the greatest leader of all time – the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

But there is another individual in Scripture whose name deserves to be included in that list….

Steady Heart

Steady Heart

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The worship song, Steady Heart (lyrics at the end of this post), is a reminder to us to remain steady despite the dark skies or the wild winds that may lie before us. It’s about a steadiness that stays the course despite what we see – or don’t see – before us. It is a steadiness that can only come from, and remain anchored in, the might, sovereignty, and faithfulness of God. It’s a heart that keeps going, a love that keeps hoping, a grace that keeps forgiving, and a faith that keeps believing.

We repeatedly see God calling His people to remain steady despite, what could easily be described as, overwhelming odds….

Don’t Settle For Less

Don’t Settle For Less

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How often do we settle for less than what God wants to do in and through our lives? How often do we settle for less because we underestimate what He can and will do? How often do we ignore or forget His promises? How often does our faith turn into faithlessness?

Some of you may be familiar with a book i recently wrote, entitled A Judge Called Deborah. In it i tell the story of the woman God chose to use to lead her people as a judge over Israel to overcome the oppression of the Canaanites. We read in the Book of Judges that God impressed upon her to call upon a man named Barak to command an Israelite army of 10,000 warriors.

We know very little about Barak before this moment…



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We live in a day of seemingly limitless choices – from the food we eat to the clothes we wear, and from the causes we rally to support to the allegiances we make. In most instances, our ability to exercise those choices is accomplished instantaneously through a few swipes of our finger on a screen. And we pride ourselves on our ability to change our choice at any given moment should we decide to do so. In many respects, we value our right and ability to choose over the rightness of the choices we make.

That ability to choose is a direct expression of a will that desires to be free. And the reality is that a free will was given to us by our Creator. The good news is He created us with the ability to choose. But i fear that too often the bad news is He created us with the ability to choose! Because left to our own devices, we can choose to choose very badly – particularly as it relates to our relationship with our Creator Himself.

He’s Never Gonna Let Us Down

He’s Never Gonna Let Us Down

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We live in stormy times. Our world can be a very distressing place. We can easily become overwhelmed or defeated. Our news feeds are filled with reports of the ravages of disease, the havoc of disasters, and the inhumanity and incivility of man. Within a matter of moments, our lives can be upended into a cascading turmoil by sudden loss, distressing news, or tragic circumstances.

Where are we to turn? Our God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us . . . no matter what we face. He will never abandon us. He will never fail to keep His promises. He’s never gonna let us down!

We read in the book of Joshua, “Not a single one of all the good promises the LORD had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything He had spoken came true.”

Is There a Raging River Ahead?

Is There a Raging River Ahead?

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Is there a raging river ahead in your path? Is it a circumstance or a situation that you can’t go around . . . but you must go through? Is it an overwhelming barrier that you know you can’t navigate on your own? And in some ways, is it made even worse by the knowledge that it is the very path that God is leading you to take?

It was spring, just like it is now. And like the years before, the winter’s snow in the mountains of Lebanon at the head of the Jordan River was melting and the rushing water was causing its banks to overflow. If you were planning to cross the Jordan River, you most definitely would not have chosen to do so in the spring. The waters of the river were at their most treacherous point.

In Whose Name Have You Done This?

In Whose Name Have You Done This?

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It started with the testimony of a lame man who was faithful to give praise to God for what He had done. Often that’s how God begins a work of salvation. Just like it happened through the woman at the well in Sychar. It also happened through the faithfulness of the young boy who gave his sack lunch to Jesus. And it happened through Lazarus when he walked out of that tomb.

Seeing and hearing that the man born lame was now walking, leaping and praising God, the people in the Temple were “absolutely astounded,” and they “rushed out in amazement” to where the man was “holding tightly” to Peter and John. “Peter saw his opportunity and addressed the crowd.”(7) He wasted no time in asking the crowd two questions to get their focus on the right Person: “what is so surprising about this?” and “why stare at us as though we made this man walk by our own power or godliness?

It would have been easy for the group to get carried away by the sight of the miracle and totally miss the Miracle Worker.

How Can This Be?

How Can This Be?

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The early church looked radically different from the world around them . . . to the point others were drawn to ask, “How can this be?”  In the Book of Acts, Luke records, “On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages,  as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. At that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem. When they heard the loud noise, everyone came running, and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers. They were completely amazed. “How can this be?” they exclaimed. “These people are all from Galilee, and yet we hear them speaking in our own native languages!

As They Waited

As They Waited

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Do you find yourself in a situation where you are waiting on God? Has He given you a promise that hasn’t yet come to fruition and you feel like you are sitting in the waiting room? If so, there is an important lesson to remember – waiting is not inactivity! As a matter of fact, it is a lesson the early disciples modeled well.

Ten days passed between Jesus’s ascension and the arrival of His promised Holy Spirit. Scripture tells us generally that His followers spent that time gathered in the upper room and in the Temple praying, praising and worshiping God. But in the midst of that period of time, Luke records two specific incidents: the specifics of how Judas Iscariot died and how Matthias was selected to replace Judas as the twelfth apostle.

John’s Epilogue

John’s Epilogue

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This past Sunday, we celebrated the greatest moment in history – the day Jesus defeated sin, death and Satan by rising from the dead. The day eclipses all others. Even the advent of Jesus as the baby in the manger takes a subordinate place in history. If His resurrection had not occurred, His birth would have only been on par with that of other great men and women who have lived and died.

The four Gospel writers recorded their accounts of the events surrounding Jesus’ ministry, death and resurrection from different vantage points. Matthew witnessed much of what he wrote, but his narrative includes many details that he heard from others, including those of Jesus’ birth, childhood and more. Mark and Luke both wrote their accounts exclusively using details provided by others, since neither one of them were eyewitnesses.

But John was an eyewitness to most every detail included in his record ….