A story for this Christmas season about the angel created and sent by God to deliver His message of Good News. We would do well to follow his example … for we too have been sent to declare the Good News this Christmas season.
A Journey With The Magi
Our God is on mission to make His Name known and to reconcile a lost world back to Himself. If we are to journey on mission with Him, we would do well to learn from our first century forerunners, the magi.
Jesus Is Missing
Have you ever been so caught up in what was going on in your life that you failed to keep your eyes on Jesus? And when you did come around to looking for Him it seemed like He was missing?
The Son Needed A Father
In the same way the Father worked through Joseph to fulfill His purpose through the Son, so does He intend to do so through us.
A Journey Home
Those Jesus knew the best, rejected Him. Those He desired to bless the greatest, turned away from Him with great fury. What are the lessons we can learn from His journey back home?
Fully Devoted To Whom
Instead of allowing God to shape our devotion, we have allowed our devotion to shape our view … and our reflection … of Him.
Peace Be With You
Are you in a situation that is causing you to be anxious or fearful? If so, you have a lot in common with some of Jesus’s closest followers.
Jesus Doesn’t Do Random
Nothing with Jesus is random! He doesn’t waste a moment … an experience … or an encounter. Nothing is inconsequential.
Keepers of the Light
What does it mean to be a “keeper of the light” – not when everything is going great – but when we are walking through tough times? Though we may need to endure for a little while, we do so with the promise of One who has walked where we are walking.
A Faith That Is Sure
If i react to counsel i receive or circumstances i encounter without first hearing God’s direction through His Word, i am embarking on a fool’s errand without a compass or a rudder.
What Is God Waiting For?
It's one thing to wait on God when nothing is threatening you, but it’s quite another when tragedy is either knocking at or already busting down the door.
The Unpredictable God
God has promised to always be faithful, but most often His faithfulness looks very different from what we thought it would. i have come to believe that God delights in our surprise. He enjoys doing things in ways we would never expect … because it is His way of reminding us that He is God … and we aren’t!
A Hidden Journey
Jesus often takes us on a wilderness journey with Him in order to prepare us for the task that He is placing before us. Sometimes those journeys are a very private and personal affair. It’s a “hidden” journey - where God does some of His deepest work in our lives. It's just us and Him. Jesus led the Apostle Paul on a few hidden journeys, and there is much we can learn from those.
3 Things You Never Want To Hear Jesus Say
We would do well to remember that one day we too will stand before Jesus as our Judge, and there are three things that we most definitely never want to hear Him say to us!
The Forgotten Disciples
Most of us will probably fall into the category of being a forgotten disciple! But that’s okay, because it’s not about us. It never has been, because it’s all about Jesus! He’ll do the same thing in us and through us – that He did through these six – if we, too, will choose to follow Him!
You Have Not Passed This Way Before
We have not passed this way before. There are no other tracks to follow or markers on which to rely. The journey will be difficult … and it will require our complete faith and confidence in the One whom we are following.
Everyone Loves Jesus … Or So It Appeared
i fear we might often be just like that crowd. We love Jesus when everything is going well, or when we anticipate Him doing something miraculous for us. But when difficulty comes our way, or the miracle doesn’t happen, our love for Jesus begins to fade.
If It Is Of God, You Will Not Stop It
Have you ever felt as if God has directed you to do something … but the world around you is standing against you? It would be good to take a reminder from Peter and John.
What Happens When The Water Is Gone?
What can we depend on to get us out of a tight spot? There was a man in the first century who was relying on the supposed powers of a pool of water to heal him. But he came to learn that there was only One in whom he could truly trust even when the water was gone.
Jesus Never Hesitated
Has Jesus ever directed you to get involved in the life of someone or in an area of ministry that may cause you to be considered “unclean” by others? Remember, He never hesitated. He walked right over and did what needed to be done!