Are you ignoring the prompting of that still, small voice by trying to convince yourself that your obedience won’t really make a difference?
Running by Faith
At times, our walk with God will be a full-out run, empowered and enabled by His Holy Spirit, so we can keep up with His stride.
Take it from the woman whose deed will be remembered wherever the Good News is preached and allow your worship of Jesus to become impeculiar!
Recklessly Abandoned
The wind was blustery, and the waves were towering, but Peter was no longer seeing or hearing them as he stepped out of the boat with reckless abandonment.
Possessing His Promise
No matter what we may be waiting for, God’s promise is not for us to obtain in the future, His promise is already ours to possess! He’s the truth we’re standing on.
A Beloved Son
How many of us find ourselves traveling through wildernesses in our lives, and are in desperate need of someone who knows the way to show us the way?
And Out Came This Calf
Through our lives, we will influence and lead others to either worship and follow the One True Living God or we will lead them to worship a lifeless imitation. Which will we choose?
Is the Door Open or Closed?
Whether they are open or closed, God will use the doorways along our path to lead us to just the right place – at just the right time – to encounter just the right people
Stories of Hope (Part 3) – The Blind Son
A story about a man named Celidonius who had lost all hope until the day he encountered Jesus (the portion you may know and the rest that could have been).
Stories of Hope (Part 2) – The Woman Who Had Lost All Hope
A story about a woman who had lost all hope until the day she reached out to Jesus (the portion you may know and the rest that could have been).
Stories of Hope (Part 1) – The Despairing Father
A story about a father who experienced the hope that only Jesus could give – at the moment of his greatest desperation (the portion you may know and the rest that could have been).
Are We Known For Who Our God Is?
It is easy for our identity to get lost in the many interests that divide us and not in the One who died to draw us to Himself.
The Minority Report
Are you at a place where your eyes of faith are saying one thing, but eyes of fear are saying another?
No Matter Where We Are In Our Journey
We can walk in confidence knowing that whatever journey we are on, through whatever wilderness we are walking, He will use it to transform our lives and to impact the world around us.
Is He Worthy?
Is He worthy? Is God truly worthy? The early church believed He was, and it changed the way they thought about everything.
A Journey to Our Well
There is a journey each of us take most every day. It is a journey to a “well” where we go to meet a need in our lives. Such was the case with the Samaritan woman, and we would do well to learn from her encounter.
Chosen and Called
The judges of Israel were uniquely and wonderfully made by their Creator for their season and their assignment. They were chosen and called by God for His specific purpose. And so are we!
The Load Is Far Too Heavy
As you journey down your own life path this day, do you find yourself struggling under a load that is far too heavy?
God, You Left Out A Few Details
Though God seldom reveals ahead of time all of the challenges we will encounter as we journey toward the fulfillment of His promise, His promise always assures us that He will lead us through each one of those challenges.
The Language of the Heart
God created each of us with our own language of the heart – a language that echoes and reflects the language of His heart.