The work of Christ’s redemption is finished. There is nothing more to be done.
A Resurrection Story - The Man Who Owned The Upper Room
A story about the man who owned the upper room who encountered Jesus during the months leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection – the portion you know and the rest that could have been.
A Resurrection Story - The One Caught In The Act
A story about the one caught in the act who encountered Jesus during the months leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection – the portion you know and the rest that could have been.
A Resurrection Story - The Grieving Mother
A story about the grieving mother who encountered Jesus during the months leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection – the portion you know and the rest that could have been.
A Resurrection Story - The Paralytic
A story about the paralytic who encountered Jesus during the months leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection – the portion you know and the rest that could have been.
We Can't Bury It Deep Enough
Have you ever done something you knew you weren’t supposed to do? And then, did you take great effort to cover it up just to make sure no one would ever know?
An Honest Seeker
Rather than choosing to honestly seek Jesus and receive His truth, many in the first century opted to harden their hearts and vilify Him. Sadly, it still happens today.
Unholy Ambition
Unholy ambition is not limited to what we see unfolding in the invasion of Ukraine. It comes in all sizes, shapes and behavior.
A Divine Interruption
Divine interruptions are those moments, events and/or circumstances God uses in our lives to completely redirect us onto a course that looks very different from the one we’ve been on.
A Divine Delay
If you are in the midst of a delay in your life journey, take heart – there is an end to the delay!
What's The Big Deal?
Sometimes we can be doing things the wrong way for so long that we no longer see anything wrong with what we are doing.
We Are Family
The 1979 song, We Are Family, celebrated family. Whether it is our nuclear family, our extended family, or our faith family, we would do well to honor them rightly and celebrate them well!
Whose Fame Do We Seek?
Before the Israelites arrived on the scene, the city of Jericho was known for the ominous walls that surrounded it. What do we want to be known for?
The Lessons of the Detour
The journey of our lives often resembles a car ride on an interstate highway. We never plan to encounter the accidents or the detours, but the reality is that they are a part of traveling along the interstate. The same is true of our lives.
Who Will Go For Us?
We’re okay with the question when it’s directed towards someone else. But it’s quite a different matter when we believe it has been directed toward us.
The Lesson of the Quail
As we continue your journey in this new year, we would do well to remember the lesson of the quail … and trust the One who goes before us.
Keep Gazing Upward
As we enter into a new year, will we point our gaze downward on the circumstances that surround us, or upward on the One who is Lord over it all?
An Advent Story - Anna
A story for this Christmas season about a woman who faithfully lived out her life trusting the promise God had given her. Let her story serve as a reminder to us this Christmas season that whatever God has promised … He will bring to pass!
An Advent Story - Elizabeth
A story for this Christmas season about Elizabeth, a woman of great faith who believed her Lord despite overwhelming odds to the contrary. As a result, she was given the great honor of being the first to announce the arrival of God’s Son … an honor that would later be shared by her son, John. Her story should serve as a reminder to us this Christmas season that with God all things are possible!
An Advent Story - Zechariah
A story for this Christmas season about an unsuspecting priest who was simply going about his business when God gave him some overwhelming news. His story should serve as a reminder this Christmas season that God can come to us at any moment and direct us to do the unimaginable. After all … He’s God … and we’re not!