You Lack Only One Thing

You Lack Only One Thing

We live in a day in which our sense of worth most often comes from what we do, what we possess, how others see us, or what we have achieved. Recently my pastor reminded us that even the games we play reinforce that belief. The winner of the board game of “Life” is the one who amasses the most possessions before arriving at “Millionaire Acres.” As a matter of fact, that’s true of most of the games we play. We win by defeating others, by coming out on top, by amassing the most points or objects. All too often, we are so driven by our misguided sense of worth that we are willing to win at any cost.

Our misguided sense of worth isn’t a new thing; it dates back to the days of Adam and Eve. They bought a lie, and then their son Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. We’ve been buying the lie and comparing ourselves to others ever since.

As we read through the Gospels, we find that there were many who even followed Jesus for all the wrong reasons. They wanted to have more and be more. They followed Him, seeking what He could do for them – a miracle, a meal, riches, or perhaps even a position in His kingdom. Sadly, most would eventually turn away from Him – rejecting His teachings … and most importantly, rejecting Him….

Endora's Story

Endora's Story

This Friday, February 19th, i am releasing my new book of short stories for Easter entitled The One Who Stood Before Us. It is a collection of forty short stories. Each one of the stories are eyewitness accounts from people who encountered Jesus. Most often in the Gospels we hear about the encounters that Jesus had either through His perspective or through that of the Gospel writer. Through these fictional stories, i endeavor to allow us to hear about the encounter through the eyes of the individual. Some of the individuals come straight out of the Gospels, like this one; and others are representative of the many other people who were in the crowds, whose stories are not told to us.

This is a story you will recognize from the Bible, but i have given the woman a name, and i have added fictional details to enable us to understand what her life was probably like prior to, as well as after, her encounter with Jesus. She had a story just like each one of us. i pray her story challenges and encourages you in yours!

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My name is Endora and I am neither Roman nor Jew; I am a Samaritan, living in the village of Sychar. You might think you have never heard of our village before, but you would be wrong. We actually have quite a history – much of which you already know….

Never Lost

Never Lost

[A personal note: i actually wrote this blog post several weeks ago – before the events of January 6th. But once those events occurred, i paused its publication because i did not want anyone to mistakenly connect what i was saying with that event. This is a post about the confidence we can have in God in every circumstance we may encounter or experience in our lives. It is not about armed rebellion. It’s about a trustworthy God!]


We see a sharp contrast between two groups of people when we read the account of the Israelites marching around the walls of Jericho.(1) On one side of the wall stood the people of Israel. They were confident and assured that, though they were facing an imposing enemy, their God would grant them victory. They weren’t trusting in any person, or any group of people; nor was their confidence in their own power or ability. Their confidence was in their God!

On the other side of the wall stood the citizens of Jericho, as they cowered in fear. It wasn’t a reverent fear of God; rather, it was a paralyzing fear.(2) They knew the God of the Israelites had already given their land to His people.(3)

The posture of both of those groups of people was completely determined by their view of God. Thirty-five hundred years later in 2021, that is still the case. Our posture is also completely determined by our view of God. We face many unknowns, just like they did. The enemies we face may look different, but the God we follow is not….

The Sorrow Won't Last

The Sorrow Won't Last

Jesus was speaking words of encouragement and truth to His disciples that night as they walked from the upper room to the Garden of Gethsemane.(1) Earlier that night, He had used the traditional observance of Passover to teach His disciples new truth. And His teaching did not stop when they left the upper room, it continued throughout their journey.

Allow me to point out that Jesus never wasted a moment or a motion. Nothing with Jesus is perfunctory. No moment of traditional “religious” reflection passes without Jesus using it in our lives to open our eyes and hearts to His truth. No journey we take is solely about the journey. Jesus uses every moment of the journey to reveal His truth about Himself and about ourselves. His reflections along the way are not purposed to scold us or defeat us. His words to us throughout the journey are intended to lead us to a greater understanding of Him, as He draws us closer to Himself. Jesus knew what was ahead for His disciples. He was using that time to prepare them. He knows what is ahead for us, as well – and He is using this time in our respective journeys with Him to prepare us.

i wonder how attentive the disciples were to all Jesus was saying. Were they even listening?

A Royal Connection

A Royal Connection

Recently, my cousin Calvin forwarded a document that he had come across that traced our family tree back to English royalty. It indicated that King Edward III of England was our 22nd great grandfather (GG), and that other notables in English and European history, including King Edward II (23rd GG), Charlemagne (41st GG), and Edmund Mortimer (20th GG) were also positioned as branches along this illustrious family tree. Someone had gone through painstaking effort to assemble this ancestry listing all the way back to the middle of the first century A.D. To say the least, the document was very impressive!

i was considering writing the current royal family to see if arrangements could be made for us to come for a visit to Windsor Castle since it was the birthplace of my 22nd GG. i was certain that the royal blood coursing through my veins would insure an immediate affirmative response. Who knows – this knowledge may have also surfaced the birthright of a forgotten knighthood? The list of possibilities soon became endless!

Until the next morning, when i received an email from another one of my cousins….

Standing In His Love

Standing In His Love

Over the past year we have all experienced the rise in the emotional temperature of our nation and our world. The Gallup organization reports that sadness, anger, fear and stress have soared to record levels around the globe. Unquestionably, the COVID-19 crisis has been a great contributor to the rising tide of those emotions, but it has not stood alone in that distinction. In our nation, political and social upheavals have added to the mix in unprecedented ways, and the economic disruption that has resulted from all of the above has added significant fuel to the fire. If we were to lay a snapshot of January 2021 and January 2020 side-by-side there would be no mistaking the enormous changes we have all experienced in these last twelve months.

Today in the U.S. we inaugurated a new president and vice president. The atmosphere surrounding those events looked very different from anything we have ever before seen. Our “peaceful” transition of leadership, though characterized by a message of unity, was scarred by razor-wire and an unprecedented security force of police officers and soldiers. Regardless of our political persuasion, we pray for our new leaders as they step into their respective roles in these unparalleled days. We pray that the days ahead will be characterized by peace, sound wisdom and an earnest effort to do what is best for our nation. We pray that all of us – people and leaders alike – will truly endeavor to move forward guided by truth, genuine compassion, and regard for one another. We pray that the year 2021 would not be characterized by sadness, anger, fear and stress, like its predecessor, but rather joy, charity, forbearance and respect.

But here’s the thing – only light can defeat darkness, only truth can defeat lies, and only true love never fails….



In the midst of everything that is going on around us, the song “Cornerstone” (lyrics below) has been playing over and over again in my head. In the midst of all of the upheaval, the song is a testimony to the assurance and hope we can have in the One who is our true Cornerstone.

For millennia, architects and builders knew the importance of the cornerstone. It was the first and most important stone to be set in place. It was the rock upon which the weight of the entire structure rested. It oriented the building and marked the starting point of its specific direction. It served as a declaration of ownership, an inscription of purpose and a reminder of its beginnings. In short, without the cornerstone the structure would lack integrity, definition, and clarity of purpose.

The architects and founders of our nation also understood the importance of the cornerstone. In the wake of last week’s events, we were reminded that the assault on the U. S. Capitol was in many ways part of a larger assault on the cornerstone of our democracy – the U. S. Constitution. It embodies the fundamental laws and principles by which the United States exists and is governed. It declares our common purpose and pledge. In short, our founding fathers knew that without it our nation would devolve into anarchy and chaos in the absence of those foundational laws to protect liberty and justice.

But we would do well to remember that there is a cornerstone that surpasses all others….

Heal Our Land

Heal Our Land

Like most of you, i watched in horror yesterday as a group of people attempted to lay siege to the U. S. Capitol. I’m not sure which image horrified me more – the images of the unruly mob attempting to breach the house and senate chambers – OR – the image of a flag bearing the name of Jesus being waved in their midst. As an American, i was witnessing the very foundation of our nation being threatened. And as a follower of Jesus, i was witnessing His name being defamed.

In the midst of my horror, i found myself asking how do i respond to this? What do i do in light of what i am seeing? The Spirit of God spoke to my heart and reminded me that He is very capable of protecting His own name. He will not be mocked and one day every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.(1) He reminded me that my job is not to rail against those who carried a flag bearing His name in the midst of that chaos. Then He went on to remind me that His words to His chosen people three thousand years ago have application to us – just as they always have….

Bigger Than i Thought

Bigger Than i Thought

A new year is upon us! i would venture that most of us are glad to see 2020 go. i doubt that very many of us will look back in the days ahead and say, “i sure wish it was 2020 again!” It was the year that looked nothing like any of us planned … and the year that none of us had hoped for. We were all going about our day-to-day business until a virus enveloped the world and changed our lives.

A brand-new set of words became a routine part of our daily conversations – words like pandemic, shelter in place, social distancing, Zoom, Covid-19, et al. Suddenly much of the world was working remotely … or no longer employed. The daily events that most of us had come to take for granted now looked very different. Many of us not only found ourselves in the midst of a health crisis … but also a financial crisis. Isolation led to depression. The inability to make plans for the near-term and the necessity to change existing plans created anxiety. And for those who experienced the health effects of the virus, or the tragic loss of family or friends as a result of it, the challenges were even so much greater….

A Christmas Journey

A Christmas Journey

Our journey with the Master in some respects is a journey that has no beginning, because in the beginning He was. He was with God. He was God. He was the Creator of all things and in Him and for Him were all things created. He was Life and from Him life was given. He was Light and from Him light was given to the world. He was Light and through Him darkness was extinguished. He always was, and He forever will be.(1)

Though He has no beginning, through Him was the beginning and in Him is the beginning. Through Him the world was created. Through Him the world was redeemed. Through Him the world was given the right to become children of God. He always was, and He forever will be….