For Us or Against Us?

For Us or Against Us?

There are big challenges ahead! As a matter of fact, you might be right in the middle of one of the biggest challenges you’ve ever faced. We have a number of friends who are walking through tough battles with cancer right now. Others who are scheduled for major surgeries. Still others who are battling serious cases of COVID-19.

Others of you are facing serious challenges at work with your boss, with a co-worker, or with a project you need to complete. Some of you are facing huge financial issues, or family challenges, or major life decisions – and the obstacles surrounding them seem insurmountable.

No matter what the challenge is, we would do well to take a page out of Joshua’s playbook.



Grace. Undeserved favor. Unmerited blessing. Grace extended to us by God. Grace extended by us toward one another. How often do we treat grace as if it is a right we deserve, but at the same time a possession that we choose to grudgingly grant – or not grant – to others? Our social media feeds bear witness to the fact that most frequently we are much quicker to receive grace than we are to extend it.

At the same time, we often confuse grace with license. We act as if we think we deserve grace; therefore, we can do or act in any way we desire, and still expect to receive it.

A Word of Comfort

A Word of Comfort

Jesus and the disciples were in the upper room. They had just finished eating their supper when Jesus announced that He must leave them, and they would not be able to come with Him – at least for now. Remember, they had given up everything to follow Him. He had been the center of their lives for the prior three years. And now He was going away?

They had no idea whatsoever as to what was going to happen in the next few hours. The idea that He would soon be arrested, by that time tomorrow His body would be laying in a tomb, and in three days He would arise from the dead, was not even a possibility in their minds. Instead, they were still all contemplating what position they would hold on His cabinet when He declared Himself to be the Messiah and established His earthly kingdom.

To make matters even worse….

Hills and Valleys

Hills and Valleys

A few years ago, the Lord blessed my wife, LaVonne, and i with a “mountaintop” experience of a lifetime. He orchestrated events so we could enjoy ten days of extended quiet time with Him in an upper room in the city of Jerusalem. It was not “the” upper room where the apostles gathered; but for us personally, it was our “upper room”. It was a place where the Lord permitted us to wait before Him, to hear His voice, to experience His presence, and to be renewed through the filling of His Spirit. Though i know that He is able to do those things in my life wherever i am – whenever i am willing to be still before Him – it was an added blessing to do so there in Jerusalem where the Lord Himself says that He will one day make His home among His people.(1)

As we ate our meals on the rooftop overlooking the city, we could hear the joy of children laughing and playing in the near distance, mixed with the sounds of gentle breezes and the chirping of birds. i envisioned – as best i could – what that day will be like when our Lord returns to make His home there among His people.

As the time drew to a close, i knew that we could not tarry there

God's Not Done With You

God's Not Done With You

When was the last time you messed up? For most of us, we don’t have to think back very far. It was within the last ten minutes, or earlier today, or yesterday. i know it most certainly has been for me. If your answer is more than a week ago, i want to challenge you to rethink your answer, and reconsider all of your thoughts, attitudes and actions over the past week. I think you’ll find that it was more recent than you think.

As I said, for most of us, the answer will come more immediately to mind. We know we messed up. But some of us haven’t done anything about it. We’ve just continued to feel bad about it ever since.

David, the shepherd king and psalmist, knew exactly how we feel when he wrote….

Easter - The Brother

Easter - The Brother

NOTE: My three-week series of short stories surrounding the ministry, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus concludes this week. These stories are fictional first-person accounts of three different men who encountered and responded to Jesus in very different ways. My prayer is that, through the stories, you will see Jesus and be reminded of the Good News of Easter.

The Rich Young Ruler (Reuben’s Story) – March 17

The Servant (Malchus’s Story) – March 24

The Brother (Jude’s Story) – This week – March 31

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My name is Jude. I am my mother Mary’s fourth son, the third by her husband Joseph. I am six years younger than my half-brother Jesus, three years younger than my brother James and one year younger than my brother Joseph. I have one younger brother, Simon, and two younger sisters, Mary and Salome. My youngest sister was named in honor of a woman who befriended my mother as a young girl when she was pregnant with Jesus; she continues to be a life-long friend.

As you might guess, I am a carpenter, just like the rest of my father’s sons. I was fifteen when my father died….

Easter - The Servant

Easter - The Servant

NOTE: My three-week series of short stories surrounding the ministry, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus continues this week. These stories are fictional first-person accounts of three different men who encountered and responded to Jesus in very different ways. My prayer is that, through the stories, you will see Jesus and be reminded of the Good News of Easter.

The Rich Young Ruler (Reuben’s Story) – March 17

The Servant (Malchus’s Story) – This week – March 24

The Brother (Jude’s Story) – March 31

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My name is Malchus. My father is a servant to the High Priest Ananus ben Seth, whom you know as Annas. He served Rabbi Annas from the days before he became high priest, and from the days before I was born. I was six years old when our family moved with Rabbi Annas and his family into the palace of the high priest. Of course, we lived in the servants’ quarters while they lived in the palace.

Though there was never any question that I was the child of a servant – which also made me a servant – children in a palace tend to find one another. The high priest’s oldest daughter, Leah, was a year younger than I was. Though she and I were not the only two children in the palace, we were close in age so it was inevitable that we would play together….

Easter - The Rich Young Ruler

Easter - The Rich Young Ruler

NOTE: Starting today and for the two weeks that follow, i will be posting a total of three short stories surrounding the ministry, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. These stories are fictional first-person accounts of three different men who encountered and responded to Jesus in very different ways. My prayer is that, through the stories, you will see Jesus and be reminded of the Good News of Easter.

The Rich Young Ruler (Reuben’s Story) – This week – March 17

The Servant (Malchus’s Story) – March 24

The Brother (Jude’s Story) – March 31

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I am Reuben, the oldest of my father’s six sons, and I grew up in Jerusalem. My father is a member of the Great Sanhedrin – a position he has held since I was a mere boy. He serves that grand body as its treasurer, overseeing the finances of the temple. His position has not only provided him with great influence among our people, it has also brought him great wealth.

He is a contemporary and confidant of our former high priest, Annas, and together they crafted many ways to increase the temple treasury – which also brought them personal gain. Their relationship dates back to their early years in rabbinical school and blossomed into a strong, lifelong alliance….

The One Who Stays

The One Who Stays

Today you will KNOW that the Great I AM is the One who stays! Wherever you are standing … whatever you are walking through … and whatever you are facing in the path ahead … you will KNOW!

If there has been any question or doubt that God is with you, today that will be settled – once and for all! Today your “hope” will no longer be a “wish”; it will become a confident assurance. It will no longer simply be a longing or desire; it will become the source of your longing and desire. Today your “faith” will no longer be based upon sincere intention; it will be founded on immutable truth. Your faith will no longer be based on an idea or an ideal; it will be firmly planted in the Person of the Almighty God….

Here Again

Here Again

Often as we journey through the wilderness of our lives, we think we’re all by ourselves. We begin to think that there is no one else walking through a wilderness like ours, and no one else who understands what we are going through. We allow ourselves to become isolated and alone … and from there we fall headlong into despair.

During the years the Israelites were walking through their wilderness, a census was taken that indicated there were over 600,000 men.(1) It represented men who were able to go to war, aged twenty years and older. Estimating the number of women and children, as well as the tribe of the Levites that were not included in this count, the total number of Israelites easily approached or exceeded two million people, which equals or exceeds the population of ninety-four countries in our world today. This truly was the nation of Israel. This nation was prepared to mobilize an army in excess of 600,000 men if the need arose; that number would only be exceeded by the armies of seven nations in our world today. Are you getting the picture that this was not a small group of people?

And yet, they too, felt alone and isolated!